Half Marathon

Good day to one and all. Hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas. I started C25K the beginning of October, and we just finished on Dec 7 where I got a my goal PR a sub 30 minute 5k (29:20). I also am currently doing the Holiday streak (run at least one mile every day from Thanksgiving through New Years Day).
My mileage for Sep 16.86
Oct 20.09
Nov 27.07
and as of yesterday (Christmas) Dec is 37.45
Weekly mileage 4 weeks ago 7.12
3 weeks ago 8.01
2 weeks ago 12.49
1 week ago 9.97 (had the flu)
this week so far 6.98 (plan to get 6 more miles)

Question - do you think I can train enough to do a half marathon on March 15th?


  • default
    default Posts: 124 Member
    yes, you have three months still.

    But, you are listing your mileage/week? What is your long run distance at? What training program are you using? There are many sites devoted to just running and have good programs for different levels and length of time before the race, which are you using?
  • RunForChai
    RunForChai Posts: 238 Member
    I think you can run a half marathon IF you download a good training program and stick to it. Aim for a walk/run---that is a program that gently builds up your miles per week ---I think you need to get to 20-30 miles per week---but without getting hurt. I suggest Hal HIgdon's Novice program [online, free]. A program that encourages you to take walking breaks during the marathon and doesn't focus on speed is a good idea.

    I have run 30 marathons and love running, it is a wonderful, lifelong meditation/sport/refuge for me. Maybe that is what it can be for you too---but the secret is build up slowly so you don't get hurt.

    Good luck!
  • FiftyandGettingBetter
    My longest run to date is only 4 miles. It was recommended to me to use Hal's, which I have downloaded and will begin using today! oddly enough today is listed as a Rest Day. lol. But I will continue doing my Holiday Challenge and run at least a mile this afternoon.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    I ran my first HM back in 2011 with a very low mileage base and a long run of 7-8mi, and finished 2:30. You seem to be in better shape than I was, so I'd say you should be able to knock it out! If you really want to excel and have a great race, try getting a few long runs of 14-16 miles in (not sure what your plan calls for). I'm ramping mileage up in January for a March HM myself. Best of luck to you!
  • donrdon
    donrdon Posts: 216 Member
    You can definitely do this. I followed Higdon's program when I started running the 1/2, it worked very well for me. The big thing is not to miss any of the long runs, the others can be adjusted a bit to fit your schedule. Good luck and above all have fun and enjoy the journey!
  • FiftyandGettingBetter
    I ran my first HM back in 2011 with a very low mileage base and a long run of 7-8mi, and finished 2:30. You seem to be in better shape than I was, so I'd say you should be able to knock it out! If you really want to excel and have a great race, try getting a few long runs of 14-16 miles in (not sure what your plan calls for). I'm ramping mileage up in January for a March HM myself. Best of luck to you!

    Thanks brother. I think I'm going to do it! But as far as being in better shape... ummm doubt it. Besides I have a few years on you. lol. Thanks, I wish you the best of luck as well.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    Yes, totally doable. But find and start the training now. My HM is on the 16th of March, and I started my training Monday. So just find a 12 week plan and stick to it.
  • FiftyandGettingBetter
    Yes, totally doable. But find and start the training now. My HM is on the 16th of March, and I started my training Monday. So just find a 12 week plan and stick to it.

    LOL, that's the date of MY HM as well. I'm going to use Hal Higdon's Novice 1 HM program.
    Best of luck to you.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    I ran my first HM back in 2011 with a very low mileage base and a long run of 7-8mi, and finished 2:30. You seem to be in better shape than I was, so I'd say you should be able to knock it out! If you really want to excel and have a great race, try getting a few long runs of 14-16 miles in (not sure what your plan calls for). I'm ramping mileage up in January for a March HM myself. Best of luck to you!

    Thanks brother. I think I'm going to do it! But as far as being in better shape... ummm doubt it. Besides I have a few years on you. lol. Thanks, I wish you the best of luck as well.

    The faster people around here are in their 40s and can run circles around me!
  • bubbaduts
    bubbaduts Posts: 196 Member
    Totally Doable! Most HM training plans are 12 weeks. Make sure you get some decent mileage in. I've run them on less than 8 mile long runs and the week after a full. HM are my Favorite distance and you will love it! More mileage the better but dont ramp it up too quick!
  • FiftyandGettingBetter
    Totally Doable! Most HM training plans are 12 weeks. Make sure you get some decent mileage in. I've run them on less than 8 mile long runs and the week after a full. HM are my Favorite distance and you will love it! More mileage the better but dont ramp it up too quick!

    Thank-you. I'm in... I'm doing this!!!

    Thank-you for the motivation and encouragement
  • CLFrancois
    CLFrancois Posts: 472 Member
    Heck yes.
  • GoBunny1
    I'm jumping on the wagon and telling you: you've got this!! I ran may first marathon at 45... I have been running 3-4 HM's a year since then, and will be running my third full in June. I agree with prior comments: get those long runs in, it's all about endurance. Enjoy... what a great goal to set and achieve! You are ready and you can do this... go get it!!
  • TomZot
    TomZot Posts: 165 Member
    Certainly seems doable and you have a plan...go for it.

    FWIW...be careful and listen to your body. Would hate to see you come down with an injury caused by doing too much too soon.

    Try to work in some strength training.

    I registered for one that's coming up in October...
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    Easy peasy lemon squeezy (no pressure)