Protein help needed!!



  • I keep a good supply of low sodium tuna in the house (though you wouldn't know this by looking at my cupboard... i am down to my last can!) At the end of the day when I see i am too low, or after a workout I will open the can, drain the water, and chow it down right out of the can. (yeah this may not be normal for most

    I am having the protein struggle myself. I am outrageously opposed to anything like atkins-type stuff, and thusly every time i think about bulking up on protein my brain rebels. I know i need more so i am forcing the issue and eating protein bars whenever i need to, but i don't wanna! Soooo... slowly working on adding more in to my diet without having to resort to things like bars and powders and such.
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,870 Member
    My husband and I make peanut butter protein balls using one cup of peanut butter, one cup of oats, and one cup of chocolate protein powder. Nuke the peanut butter in the microwave for about 30 seconds to soften it up, then mix everything together, form into little balls, and store in the fridge. We use a little cookie scooper for uniformity and one batch makes 20 balls. With the specific ingredients we use, one ball is 65 calories, but has 4.5g of protein. They taste great and are a good energy boost before we hit the gym. I'm not sure how they would taste using vegan protein powder, but sacrificing once scoop each of powder, oats, and peanut butter might be worth the experiment :smile:

    I used to love peanut butter balls when I was little (before i developed the milk allergy) but we used evaporated milk and oats back then. I will try it with my vanilla rice protein and some unsweetened cocoa powder (and oats, obviously). Thanks!
  • elmct57
    elmct57 Posts: 594 Member
    nuts are a great source--almonds, walnuts, brazil nuts pistachios and almond butter. Seeds-- flax, hemp, sunflower, sesame, pine nuts, and pumpkin.
    also tempeh
  • caitlinclock
    caitlinclock Posts: 528 Member
    When I was vegan I cooked with chick peas like every night. My house had like 10 cans of chick peas at all time. I just love them so much. There are a lot of things that have protein that you wouldn't expect.

    My favourite place for recipes is! You should check it out!
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Two scoops of protein powder would be fine, but I would add real food like eggs, beans and rice, etc.
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    You can try powdered egg whites. I use them occasionally in smoothies. My body doesn't deal well with the whey protein, but I am not allergic. The doc doesn't want me using soy products, so the egg whites were my only option. You can find a small canister in the baking isle of the grocery store if you don't want to invest in a larger canister from the health food store. They have no flavor so you do need to add something to them. You can also mix with water and use as a regular egg white in a pinch (not the same consistancy though).

    I also bake off boneless skinless chicken breasts and always have them in the fridge to munch on. Chop it up and toss on a salad, slice it for a sandwich, cut it into "fingers" and dip it in bbq sauce... lots of things to do with it. Boiled eggs work as a good snack too, I was suggested to eat one whole egg at least 3 times a week for the good fats in the yolk.
  • I take the chicken and teak route. I buy in bulk and freeze it individually and use as required
  • mommyjos
    mommyjos Posts: 98 Member
    these are some great ideas! I want to save this to read fully later! Thanks!
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