Vein burst by deadlift???

Hello fellow lifters,

A curious thing happened to me the other day, and I need some advice. I was getting ready to deadlift a light-to-moderate weight (135 lb, I am 120 lb, for reference) -- nothing remotely heavy or insane, and something I've done before comfortably. The deadlifting area in my gym is right in front of a big mirror, and I was wearing shorts. I finished 4 reps without any problem. Then, just when I was about to go for my 5th rep, I noticed a part of a vein, sticking out like a bluish lump, on the side of my leg near my calf. What the hell, I thought...nothing like that was ever there before...I don't even have any visible veins in that part of my leg.

I decided not to continue with the deadlifts and the lump quickly went down, but not without leaving a substantial bruise in its place. When I touch the bruise, I can still feel a raised surface in there. And since I know that bruising is the result of bleeding under the skin, I guess this means I tore a part of some vessel and blood leaked out? I'm wondering if I've permanently damaged some vein in my leg...has anything similar ever happened to you? Btw, I'm 26 years old, not on any medications or supplements, and I don't have any known health conditions. I tried to research this issue online but it seems like people mostly experience small capillaries bursting in their eyes sometimes, not big-looking veins in their legs...

I appreciate your input!!


  • iron_jj
    iron_jj Posts: 446 Member
    That's actually not uncommon. I know a few people who ruptured a blood vessel in their eye, someone in the upper leg. Nothing serious!
  • cats847
    cats847 Posts: 131
    That's actually not uncommon. I know a few people who ruptured a blood vessel in their eye, someone in the upper leg. Nothing serious!

    Yeah, the eyes have lots of small and relatively fragile vessels, so I know that's pretty common. But a much larger vessel in the leg seems to be more worrisome... :frown:
  • iron_jj
    iron_jj Posts: 446 Member
    As long as you don't feel any pain or a numb feeling around that area you're gonna be fine. I'd give it up to 2 weeks, the blood absorbs back in the body and the vessel heals. Bruises usually look worse than they actually are. You can try to ice it to help it heal faster. Give it some time and keep an eye on it.
  • cats847
    cats847 Posts: 131
    Thanks, that's encouraging!
  • steve_mfp
    steve_mfp Posts: 170 Member
    If it was a capillary that popped, small spidery looking then i wouldn't worry if there is no pain...however, if a larger vessel broke that might be a concern.

    Many times they pop because of the pressure caused a clot, but a clot big enough to pop a bigger vein might not be something to shrug off.