Affects of your period?

Hi Lady Friends,
Okay, a few questions! I have NOT had my period in about a year, and recently I got it back. This happened within the last 2 months. I have a quick question about what happens to your weight and body cravings during this time. YES, I am 21 years old, and yes I am asking this question. ;) So no rude comments, please!

What generally happens to YOUR weight before, during, and after your period?

What cravings do you have, if any?



  • MrsCZM138
    My weight loss typically slows or stalls a little with my period.

    My bigger concern is your not having a period for a year. While there isn't a medical need to have one monthly, you should have one about every 3 months. If you're going more than 90 days without a period you should be talking with your GYN about things like hormonal imbalances and PCOS and kick starting your period with Provera.
  • Indiri13
    Indiri13 Posts: 104 Member
    I gain 3-5 pounds the day my cycle starts and that weight stays for 2-4 days. I crave more carbs and salt so that's the main reason it happens but even if I limit those I do still gain some.

    I continue to lose weight during that time but the extra weight gain masks it until the water weight falls back off.

    Hopefully you are keeping regular doc appts with a GYN to make sure there's nothing to worry about with it being gone for a while.
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    I definitely crave chocolate. Maybe sweets in general, but chocolate is the biggie.

    I lost weight during my period and it would go back up later. I found that a bit odd, because my tummy also bloated, so you'd think I'd gain water weight. Turns out my periods actually lowered my hemoglobin! I had to get tests run to make sure that was it, and it was. So the losing weight was probably from that, I'd think. Kind of crazy!

    Now I'm on meds to just stop them. And iron, too, lol.
  • thatonegirlwiththestuff
    I crave sweets like a mad woman premenstrual and do tend to hold some water weight as well. It's an epic battle of will for 3-5 days.
  • JustMeee333
    I hadn't had a settled period for years (PCOS), but they came back in the past 3 months or so. I always have this unsatisfied hunger, tiredness, cry at the drop of a hat, and everyone I know pi*s me off for a few days, :laugh: only usually gain a lb or two.
  • hotjodels
    hotjodels Posts: 118 Member
    I gain 3-5 pounds the day my cycle starts and that weight stays for 2-4 days. I crave more carbs and salt so that's the main reason it happens but even if I limit those I do still gain some.

    I continue to lose weight during that time but the extra weight gain masks it until the water weight falls back off.

    this sounds just like me.
  • kstoyko
    For me, the week before and during my period I never weigh myself because I just get TERRIBLY disappointed! I usually gain between 2-3 pounds and am all nice and puffy with water weight. Exercise makes me feel much better, however, it certainly doesn't move the scale during that time of the month!

    Craving wise, I actually crave the most sweets/ heavier foods the two weeks before my period, but while I'm on it, I am more likely to crave my salads and healthy stuff.

    It does change as you age though! Now that I am in my mid twenties I notice my cravings are less crazy and I don't really get cramps or angry pms any more. I do cry easily before my period though! Haha

    Hope this helps :) take care.
  • Jkn921
    Jkn921 Posts: 309 Member
    Some months I get extremely hungry but I give in to my cravings and then it doesn't hit me till the next time, I think I get bloated in the face as it looks puffier than normal and doesn't go down till after I finish. I usually give myself a break that week anyway.
  • NuttyforHealth
    Thanks for the comments! I am just curious when everyone gains weight: before, during, or after?
  • kdz526
    kdz526 Posts: 210 Member
    im usually up 2 to 5 lbs just before, then at like day 5 it starts to come off. A few days after its done, all the water weight is gone, and if I have been 'good' and consistant with excercise thats when the loss shows up, in a large drop (large being relative).
  • gigglesinthesun
    gigglesinthesun Posts: 860 Member
    I gain both during ovulation (perhaps 1-2lbs) then I have a little whoosh to perhaps 1/2lbs lower then the previous low and then I gain 3-4 lbs in the run up to my period and then I have a big whoosh where I am 1.5 lbs under the pervious low thus losing about 2 odd pounds overall over the course of the month which is right on target with my deficit
  • MrsLannister
    MrsLannister Posts: 347 Member
    I start retaining water about a week before my period, no matter how closely I watch my sodium intake, and don't lose it until about 3 - 4 days into it. I crave salt like crazy the whole week before, also. The first 2 days of my period I am hungry all the time and usually overeat a little, because I get overwhelmed by it.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I gain both during ovulation (perhaps 1-2lbs) then I have a little whoosh to perhaps 1/2lbs lower then the previous low and then I gain 3-4 lbs in the run up to my period and then I have a big whoosh where I am 1.5 lbs under the pervious low thus losing about 2 odd pounds overall over the course of the month which is right on target with my deficit
    This was me, a small temporary increase with ovulation, and then a big temporary increase before my period. And then After I'd be down to below where I was.
  • youdontknowwhatyousaw
    I gain 3-5 pounds the day my cycle starts and that weight stays for 2-4 days. I crave more carbs and salt so that's the main reason it happens but even if I limit those I do still gain some.

    I continue to lose weight during that time but the extra weight gain masks it until the water weight falls back off.

    this sounds just like me.
    This. Exactly.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    I retain water during the week prior to starting.
    The more bodyfat I have, the more I retain!
    I have cravings, but the more I exercise regularly, the fewer cravings I seem to experience.
    I lose all that water the first few days after starting.
  • kingscrown
    kingscrown Posts: 615 Member
    I have about a 4 week weight loss cycle. Right after period is done large weight loss, next week less, next week less, then I'll either have no weight loss or a gain. Then it begins again.
  • LVCeltGirl
    I gain 3-5 pounds the day my cycle starts and that weight stays for 2-4 days. I crave more carbs and salt so that's the main reason it happens but even if I limit those I do still gain some.

    I continue to lose weight during that time but the extra weight gain masks it until the water weight falls back off.

    This is me, just add chocolate to the carbs/salt mix because it's always one of the three. 3 to 5 lbs sometimes a day before start (any unexplained large gain considering the water I drink usually indicates I'm about to start) and then the cravings that I cannot satisfy, again right at the beginning or literally just before. And I actually don't see that water weight drop (and usually some with it) until the end, and sometimes as annoying as it is, a day or two after the end of my period.