Weight Watchers?

I was just curious, is weight watchers any different than what we do here? I understand that the accountability factor is face to face instead of by message correspondence.

Other than that, is the only difference: Weight Watchers has a fee and MFP does not?


  • lpoeking
    because they are geniuses!!! Man I would love to own stock in WW!!
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    Weight Watchers emphasizes points rather than a proper balance of nutritional intake. I found by moving away from points and more towards calorie counting I ensure I get a better balance of protein, carbs and healthy fats which are categories of food WW completely leaves out.

    That being said, I still like to figure out how many points I ate at the end of the day just for fun (and since those dam points are crammed in your head for life despite the fact I've never been an official member) so I use this website (since there is no maximum like other WW calculators that end at 4g of fiber). http://www.spruce.ca/health/wwcalc.html

    A typical day for me consists of 1275 calories, 23g fat and 40 g fiber which is = 19 pts which is where I need to be weighing 137, 5'8.
  • pamp1emousse
    pamp1emousse Posts: 282 Member
    It depends on what WW plan you're doing. I suppose if you're doing full choice then it's pretty similar, although the points system takes into account fibre and sat fat, and you get unlimited veg (certain kinds). If you're doing no count then it's not really the same because it's not based on a calorie-counting style programme.
    I see what you're saying tho, both WW and MFP give you freedom in what you eat as opposed to restricting a food group in South Beach for example
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    ...so I use this website (since there is no maximum like other WW calculators that end at 4g of fiber). http://www.spruce.ca/health/wwcalc.html

    According to WW, no matter what the fiber content is, 4 is the maximum that can be factored in. If you count more than 4 grams of fiber, that might change the points value and you might be eating too many points.
  • mizyvee
    mizyvee Posts: 74 Member
    I know I might sound like a spoiled brat right now but here it goes. If I have to pay you to help me lose weight, it just seems like I should have more support than doing it all by myself. Since I have never done WW I really don't know what is all involved. Does anyone call you through the week and support you? Is there some kind of other accountablity than showing up to a meeting (a person could just not show up if they didn't want to). Don't get me wrong, I understand that it is my weight issue and I have to be responsible for that, but it just seems that it is a pay program for what I have to do anyway.

    I am not downing WW at all, it has been around for a long time and that must mean it works in some kind of way. I jsut want to understand what is the benefit of paying the hard earned dough?
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    ...so I use this website (since there is no maximum like other WW calculators that end at 4g of fiber). http://www.spruce.ca/health/wwcalc.html

    According to WW, no matter what the fiber content is, 4 is the maximum that can be factored in. If you count more than 4 grams of fiber, that might change the points value and you might be eating too many points.

    I am aware of that, if you use the website I provided for your total for the day you get a very accurate WW point read out without having to engage in the tedium that is individual point counting while you are already nutrient and calorie counting here on MFP. Previously (a few months back) I did count the points individually and as a total to see how it compared and individually it was always one point higher, ALWAYS and I did that for a period of one month.
  • AlyRoseNYC
    AlyRoseNYC Posts: 1,075 Member
    IMO, WW is MFP with a $40 montly fee. Guess what...you can eat your daily alloted amount of "points" in Oreos, and their online system would not tell you how stupid of a choice that is. How's that for support? LOL

    But seriously, it's all about choices. You know what's good for you, and what is crap. Weight Watchers does not help you track macronutrients (ie protein, carbs, sugar, fat, etc). So let's say you are the type of person who does great on high protein/ low carb/ moderate fat intake. You wouldn't know that based on your points value.

    I can go on and on about how much WW is ridiculous, as I was a member for a while and wasted a whole lot of $$ on it. Yeah, I lost weight. But, WEIGHT WATCHERS didn't do it. I did it. As I am doing it now with MFP...FOR FREE!!!
  • delcy
    delcy Posts: 2
    I have just a question regarding this app. I see some of you have lost weight already and was just curious to know that when I enter in all my meals and workouts it tells me that I am eating too few calories even though I am trying to only eat 1200 calories a day. When I workout it adds those calories to my total caloric and then I am having to eat almost double the calories. I'm confused.
    THISisTARRAN Posts: 487 Member
    I am actually a long time weight watchers user! Their plan DOES work. I never went to meetings, I only did online ($18/month). I liked it and I used it. The one problem that I had with WW is that I didn't feel that there was a lot of support and people weren't as friendly or helpful as they are on MFP. I've only recently found MFP and since I've decided to cancel my WW account because I have much better success with this. I had a hard time getting online and tracking stuff everyday because I didn't have anyone supporting me, but here on MFP I feel like I have friends who ACTUALLY notice that I'm there. I consider MFP like facebook for losing weight and since I'm a facebook addict, this is perfect for me. I do not thing WW is any better than MFP, like I said, I have had a lot more success here and I used WW for a VERY long time. I did have a lot of success when I was sticking to it, but as everyone else said they don't care what you eat, its all about points. IMO myfitnesspal is much better than WW for multiple reasons: it's free, people support you, it is like Fb for losing weight, ALL FOODS ARE LISTED (i can always find what I'm looking for), and really I said this before, but I love the support on MYFITNESSPAL! :)
    THISisTARRAN Posts: 487 Member
    Its mostly because it doesn't want you to eat too few calories and lose weight TOO fast. I usually am under my calorie goal of the day too.
  • delcy
    delcy Posts: 2
    So should i be eating the amount of calories that it says?