Time for a change

Hey everyone. My name is Shana (rhymes with banana), I'm 25 and live in central Florida. I have been battling my weight and have fluctuated up and down for the last 6 years. I am ready to change for good and make this a lifestyle change in order to be a healthy role model for my two girls. If anyone wants to join in on my life change, feel free to add me as a friend! I am looking for people who will motivate me and that I can motivate back!

Best of luck to everyone on their weight loss journey!



  • onlyvictory2014
    onlyvictory2014 Posts: 7 Member
    Hello Shana :) We seem to be on the same page because we are after the same thing. Even I have a lot of weight to lose I believe we could motivate one another. So I will be sending you a request..I look forward to joining you in this change. :)
  • mariacristix
    Hey Shana! I'm on the same boat as you. I know exactly how you feel, and it's extremely frustrating. I have sent you a friend request. Hopefully we can motivate and support each other on this journey. Best of luck!