Only one person commented on my weight loss...

Every year we go to a Christmas Eve party. This year I bought a dress and everything, and I looked good. We had family over too for Christmas... Only *one* person made a comment about my weight loss. Saying I'm bummed is a huge understatement... I went from obese to a normal weight in a year (my highest weight was just a year ago), and nobody commented on it :(

I know, I lost weight for myself, but damn. This is like the one good thing I did this year, and nobody even acknowledges it...


  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Sometimes I'm actually afraid to comment on someone's weightloss. What if her relationship broke up, and she's on the "heartbreak diet"? What if she's sick? (It's sort of the flip side to "never congratulate a pregnant woman unless you're 100% certain she's actually pregnant.")

    72 pounds is amazing. Congratulations!
  • Nissi51
    Nissi51 Posts: 381 Member
    Aww.. Sorry that does suck.

    None he less, congrats on your loss. Keep it up and do not be deterred!
  • Notorious_Pig
    Notorious_Pig Posts: 4 Member
    72 pounds. Awesome. Well done.
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    Fabulous weight loss. And, I'm *sure* people noticed! Sometimes people feel awkward and don't feel like they should comment on it. It's kind of personal to comment on someone's body.

    And sometimes people noticing isn't as fun as you think.

    I lost my extra weight a couple years ago, but still remember and bristle at a couple things people said when I lost weight. For example:

    One co-worker came up to me at our office holiday party in 2011 and said 'You've lost weight... have you been ill?'

    Another stopped me in the hall a few months after that and said 'You've lost weight. Enjoy it while you can because everyone who loses weight just gains it all back!'

    I'd rather hear nothing than hear either of those comments! :laugh:
  • MsTru2U
    MsTru2U Posts: 119 Member
    Congrats on your loss! :flowerforyou: I know how that feels. Unfortunately, jealousy can sometimes be silent.....
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    With the whole fat acceptance movement in full swing, why are you surprised? It's highly risky to make any comment about anyone's weight these days because of people getting offended and blowing up in your face.
  • Jovette42
    Jovette42 Posts: 280 Member
    At a very young age Mami use to tell me "Jovette not everybody wants you to succeed and not everybody wants to see you blessed." Once I learned that lesson my life was better. As much as it feels good to hear it there are some people who will not for many reasons and yes jealousy is the #1. If a person is confident in themselves then compliments others, especially women, will NOT be an issue.

    This is my opinion, I am NOT a psychiatrist but I do play one on tv :wink:
  • gcbma
    gcbma Posts: 112 Member
    Sometimes, people suck. I think you're doing an amazing job! You should post a pic!

    My hubs grandmother asked if they were going go put me on a diet.... my sister in law was the only one who noticed I had loast weight. I have a lot to go, but I don't think losing 50 lbs is something to laugh at.

    Didn't mean to steal your post. I'm sure you were rocking it!
  • 20Grit
    20Grit Posts: 752 Member
    I'll tell ya! You LOOK Frickin AWESOME! Job Well Done! Keep it up!!!
    It does hurt when you work so hard and no one says anything, but every once in a while you will get that one person that makes it feel soooo much better, But remember that isn't why we do this, I I would have quit over a year ago! Keep your head held high and keep on doing what your doing!!!

    ^^^^ and what gcbma said - Some people just suck.
  • roosterblue
    roosterblue Posts: 25 Member
    Even if I don't know you, I for one am very proud of you! It could be a variety of reasons why people didn't say something, but they could have at least said, "Wow, you look amazing!" without directly making it about weight loss. People can be really dense, sometimes!
  • I agree it can be awkward. Imagine commenting on someone's weight loss and being told "I only lost weight because I have cancer!" I think I'd rather keep quiet and only comment if they bring it up somehow.
    Although then they might think you are only commenting because you think you should! Sucks either way!

    Be proud of yourself for what you have achieved. It's awesome!
  • Firstly, let me say Congratulations on your weight loss......72lbs & counting is a huge success so you should feel proud! Having said that, I agree with the other members on here who believed that people probably didn't comment to you out of fear of the unknown. You mentioned "we" go to a holiday party every year so I'm going to assume you are referring to your spouse; have you inquired to him if people made comments or inquires? I say that because since they're his coworkers, they might feel more comfortable asking him than you........just a thought!
  • SteamClutch
    SteamClutch Posts: 433 Member
    Very cool, I totally get the need for affirmation. Keep up the good work people will come around eventually.
  • ktsmom430
    ktsmom430 Posts: 1,100 Member
    I am sure that people have noticed. It can be a touchy subject and sometimes people are reluctant to comment for a variety of reasons, many stated on the replies here. What you have done is awesome. Be proud and know you are healthier and have done a fantastic job!

    I had one guy I work with finally tell me I looked great. He told me he didn't say anything before because he didn't want me to think he thought my appearance was unacceptable before I lost the weight. His wife lost 100# during the same time, and told him it would be ok to say something, so he took her advice.
  • 73Laine
    73Laine Posts: 63 Member
    Wow 72lbs is alot to b proud of. I am proud for u. No matter if u get the compliments or not just be proud of urself. U have done great.
  • Jesea
    Jesea Posts: 376 Member
    Awww....that stinks. Last Christmas, I had lost 30 pounds, and everyone made a big deal about how great I looked. This year, I've lost another 20 pounds and no one said anything. I was so bummed. The last 20 have been harder to lose, and have made less of an impact on how I look in general than the first 30 did.

    Congratulations on your amazing loss!
  • donnymom
    donnymom Posts: 32 Member
    If I hadn't seen you in a year, I would have told you," you look great!"
    Be very proud of yourself. What an accomplishment!
    Don't let people disappoint you. I do and next thing I know, I'm eating to comfort myself!
  • Stripeness
    Stripeness Posts: 511 Member
    I agree it can be awkward. Imagine commenting on someone's weight loss and being told "I only lost weight because I have cancer!" I think I'd rather keep quiet and only comment if they bring it up somehow.
    Although then they might think you are only commenting because you think you should! Sucks either way!

    Be proud of yourself for what you have achieved. It's awesome!

    Been there - complimented someone I hadn't seen in a year. He looked great and had clearly lost weight...and passed away ~4 months after I saw him. Granted, he had a lot to lose, but it sounds like OP here did too (and GREAT job, btw - 72 pound is AWESOME!).

    OP, I'm sorry you didn't get some positive feedback on your amazing accomplishment. Hopefully there will be other times that make up for it. Meanwhile, your fellow MFPers appreciate your hard work!
  • It's highly risky to make any comment about anyone's weight these days because of people getting offended and blowing up in your face.

    Agreed. I would never comment about someone's weight, good or bad. You just never know how they will react.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Yeah me too. My loss was less dramatic but I wore a tighter outfit than usual to show off. Don't let it get you down. :flowerforyou: