This time for real!

Hi everyone!

I joined MFP in 2011 and have used it on and off. I have gained and lost weight what feels like my whole life! My highest weight was after I graduated college. I weighed 226. I joined WW and lost about 40 pounds in 7 months. I then moved to NM, met my now husband, and gained 20 pounds. After my son was born, I weighed 212. I joined WW again, and lost 70 pounds in about 7 months. I then got pregnant, had my daughter, and weighed 165. It took a year to be motivated again to lose weight, and in 2011 I joined MFP. I got down to 145 using a combination of MFP and doing South Beach. Then I had surgery on both my feet in the summer of 2012, and gained the 20 pounds back.

I have not been able to motivate myself to lose the weight again as I was feeling like a failure with everyone judging me and thinking "Here she goes again". "Will she be able to keep it off this time?" "How long till she gains it all back?" etc.

Are these people actually thinking this? I have no idea. I think I'm finally at a point where I do not care. I really want to do this for me this time! I'm determined to learn how to change my ways to make this life long, not just "I'll do this till I get to my goal weight and then do what I want" as that has obviously not worked for me in the past.

I also want to be a good example for my children, especially my daughter. I'm determined to be healthy for myself and my children.

Of course, I also want to look good in my clothes and to be sexy for my husband, lol! :)

This time, I'm doing this for real! I would love anyone that is interested in doing this together to friend me and we can support each other!

Let's do this!! :)



  • dani22105
    dani22105 Posts: 76 Member
    Weight is a struggle but you can overcome it :) Think, choose wisely and let yourself feel amazing today.
  • Hi Teri you can add me as a friend as would like support too we can help each other I have got four stone to lose by next Xmas x
  • HealthWoke0ish
    HealthWoke0ish Posts: 2,078 Member
    Hey, welcome and kudos for getting to the point of not caring (or at least caring less) about what people think. It's quite liberating! :)

    Good luck to you with your MFP experience. I've really liked MFP because instead of a situation like you describe where you "go on WW" and then "go off WW" and lose some weight...and then gain some weight, MFP is more about "becoming" than "going on" and then "going off" again. In the past, I too did WW and, like you, found success there. But for me (and perhaps for you too), WW really wasn't a viable long term solution. MFP, on the other hand, is seeming more and more to me like a good long term solution.

    Again, good luck to you!
  • marciebrian
    marciebrian Posts: 853 Member
    And I quote from you:

    "Are these people actually thinking this? I have no idea. I think I'm finally at a point where I do not care. I really want to do this for me this time! I'm determined to learn how to change my ways to make this life long, not just "I'll do this till I get to my goal weight and then do what I want" as that has obviously not worked for me in the past. "

    You can't worry about or control what other people think and so who cares? This is your life and the only one you can life. You do this for you and your family... period!

    I wish you every success and if it takes 20x you do it until you get it done... :flowerforyou: Good luck!!!!
  • Here's the thing: you think people are looking at you and wondering those things, but the truth is, in any given conversation we are focused on ourselves 80% and the other person only 20% (or at least that's what I've read). So no, they're probably not thinking that, except perhaps fleetingly. Most people are more worried about themselves than the next person.

    And if they are thinking things about you, so what? Doesn't matter. Remember that what people think are a reflection of themselves, not of you.

    Welcome and good luck!
  • 33Freya
    33Freya Posts: 468 Member
    Hi Teri,

    I think we've all been through the yoyo!! I have decided to stop dieting and make SUSTAINABLE changes to my lifestyle to stop the yoyo and be in the best health I can be.

    For me, this means I have to force myself to exercise when I don't feel like it- and not go more than a couple of days without it unless I'm deathly ill. It means I have to track my calories and endure the comments and looks I get when I say stuff like "that cookie is 130 calories- that's a 15 minute run!" It also means that I choose to eat as few processed/packaged foods as possible, and choose to eat as many whole foods as possible.

    Another change I have made is POSITIVE thinking. Those on my friends list know that I preach squashing negative thinking with positive thought (for example, when you think, "I can't do this" you IMMEDIATELY correct yourself with something like "I am capable, and I CAN do this.")

    I wish you the best on your journey. Feel free to add me :flowerforyou:
  • gimmegimmemoar
    gimmegimmemoar Posts: 213 Member
    Hi Teri! Feel free to add me! I as well am trying to get back in the groove after losing 55 lbs and kind of having a year long plateau! But we can do this!