FitBit Force VS FitBit Flex?

I'm looking into getting a FitBit but I am confused on the difference between the Force and the Flew. They look the same except the Force shows you your numbers on the band and the Flex doesn't. So, anyone wanna shed some light on this for me?? Also Interested in the FitBit One as well. I want something with all around tracking! I was going to get the Jawbone Up but a nurse at work said hers was awful and actually stopped working about a month afterwards!


  • PecanWaffle
    In addition to what you've pointed out, when compared to the Force, the Flex does everything except show floors climbed and the current time.

    The One does everything that the Force does, minus goal setting.

    Odd feature levels to have.

  • danapenguin
    hmm... seems to me that the winning factor could be price range... they seem to do the same things minus small additions... hmm hard decision
  • diana5066
    diana5066 Posts: 12 Member
    I love my one... I didn't want something that people could see all the time... or that would be so noticeable. The one is also like the Force in that it shows the number of floors climbed.. I clip it to my bra and never have had any issues with noticing it or anybody else noticing it.
    The flex you can keep on all the time... even in the shower... the force or the one can not get wet.
  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    I got the Flex July 4th weekend. Got the Force in November. Love the Force.

    The Force is bigger than the Flex and does more, you can see the stats on the device when you push the button. Costs $129 vs $99. Force charges easier and does not need to be taken apart from the bracelet. Downside is you cannot change bands if you want to color coordinate or the band breaks.

    Force shows stairs. Flex does not do stairs. Flex shows lights on the display. Force has clock (main selling point for me). Both track sleep. You don't have to tap the Force to put it to sleep etc. Force is not shower proof but I never showered with the Flex. Used the off time to recharge and clean the pocket/bracelet. Both are a bear to clasp but it gets easier over time.

    If you buy from Fitbit itself you can swap out within I think 45 days or such, check their website.
  • sharon_in_missouri
    I have had the One, Flex and Force and liked all of them but the Force is my current fave mainly because of the watch feature. The One I almost lost several times (falling off my waistband), the Flex was great but having it on my left wrist left no practical place for my watch. It does not bother me that people see it - if anyone cares that I pay attention to how much I move that is their problem - would take it off for a formal evening event of course.
  • danapenguin
    I got the Flex July 4th weekend. Got the Force in November. Love the Force.

    The Force is bigger than the Flex and does more, you can see the stats on the device when you push the button. Costs $129 vs $99. Force charges easier and does not need to be taken apart from the bracelet. Downside is you cannot change bands if you want to color coordinate or the band breaks.

    Force shows stairs. Flex does not do stairs. Flex shows lights on the display. Force has clock (main selling point for me). Both track sleep. You don't have to tap the Force to put it to sleep etc. Force is not shower proof but I never showered with the Flex. Used the off time to recharge and clean the pocket/bracelet. Both are a bear to clasp but it gets easier over time.

    If you buy from Fitbit itself you can swap out within I think 45 days or such, check their website.

    I didn't know they will do exchanges! I will check their website for policy!
  • Kevalicious99
    Kevalicious99 Posts: 1,131 Member
    I have a Flex and love it. Fun little toy.

    But the Force is what I kinda wanted .. but learned that it is not waterproof. So that is a no go for me .. as I wear my Flex 24/7 unless it is charging.

    Other than that .. the Force seemed like a good choice. I really do like the display part of the Force. It really comes down to money and the whole waterproof issue.

    Edit ... was going to say, I have only had 2 issues with my Flex so far. One the distance was totally inaccurate for me using the default settings. I have short legs (and thus take way more steps than a normal person, the distances were way out before this change) .. so had to use the stride length setting on the website to fix this issue. Also .. changed it to my right hand cause I wanted to wear my watch. The website allows you to indicate what hand you are wearing it on.

    - Kevin -
  • t8tersalad
    t8tersalad Posts: 85 Member
    I have the Fitbit Ultra since March 2012. Love it! Shows me everything from steps, stairs, calories burned, shows the current time and how many miles/distance I've walked and has a little flower that grows compared to how active you are. It also tracks my sleep. Bought it at Target and they still carry them, if you live near Target. Clips on your shirt, or bra or put in your pocket, which is where I use mine for most accurate steps, closer to my legs...give me an exact count. If I wear under my shirt on my bra, steps are off a little.
  • rbarzat
    rbarzat Posts: 11 Member
    Oh, the decisions! I ordered a Flex but I admit, I'm jealous that the Force tells time and my Flex won't! :)
  • asundeen88
    asundeen88 Posts: 32 Member
    I just got the force for Christmas. I asked for the flex originally but when I found out the force displayed time and stats I asked for that. I love the display screen personally!
  • kevinhlc
    kevinhlc Posts: 7 Member
    Just got the Force for Christmas.... Hope it helps me lose about 30 pounds and may the Force-be-with-you... No pun attended...
  • Sarahnade42x
    Sarahnade42x Posts: 308 Member
    Force has all the great features everyone has already mentioned, but the Flex has one unique feature that's priceless to me: it's waterproof! It's a little detail that makes a big difference -- personally, I really like not having to worry about ruining my Flex when washing my hands, working out, walking through rain/snow, swimming, showering, etc.
  • Jagreene62
    Jagreene62 Posts: 4,782 Member
    Now all of you have made me wish I had asked Santa for one of these......Santa, oh Santa please come back!!! :sad:
  • iheartbiology
    iheartbiology Posts: 104 Member
    I've got a flex, and its "sufficient."
    I'd love a force, but the added features wouldn't work on my phone anyways, so I must wait until I have a better phone :)

    You honestly can't go wrong with either one. :)
  • jmyers1230
    jmyers1230 Posts: 67 Member
    I have had my Flex for nearly a month and still notice myself glancing at it at work to check the time (weird because I rarely would wear a watch anyway). I guess I'd like the Force so I could check the time but the Flex was available in the stores near me (so no waiting on shipping).

    I like that the Flex band is skinny so it just looks like a bracelet to anyone who doesn't know or look closely. I also like that I can wear it 24/7 (almost forgot to charge it before it died last week because it feels so natural on my wrist). I plan to get more bands for the Flex so I can change the color once in a while.

    Another reason I think I'd like the Force would be to see actual numbers on the display since my phone is not one that syncs with fitbit. It gives me a challenge to try to get all 5 lights on the Flex before I get home from work each day since I can't check the numbers (just the lights) during the day.
  • septembergrrl
    septembergrrl Posts: 168 Member
    I got the Flex for Christmas and I like it. I had a few problems setting up the app at first, but nothing I couldn't power through. And I love having the 10,000 steps goal.
  • dukesduchess350
    dukesduchess350 Posts: 77 Member
    I have the fitbit one and i love it. Since it does the steps, stairs and calories burned and sleeping patterns. I like that its slender and i can pretty much wear it on my bra or in the pants pocket or on my pants pocket. I had upgraded from the fitbit zip.
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    hmm... seems to me that the winning factor could be price range... they seem to do the same things minus small additions... hmm hard decision
    that's why i went with the one, it's the cheapest and I also like that it's not visible all the time. I just clip it to my bra, I didn't really like the idea of wearing one around my wrist all the time.
  • Mav3rick54
    Mav3rick54 Posts: 180 Member
    I have had the Force sense Nov 3rd and I love it for all of the reasons others have given. I would like to correct the comments about its water proof/resistance. It is water resistant, so you can wash your hands and get it wet. I have showered with it several times. I pretty much wear it 24/7. It is a great motivational tool to keep moving.
  • danapenguin
    so the force is water resistant???

    also I have an iPhone 4 and I seen were they are compatible with iPhone 4s, but it doesn' t say anything about the 4... anyone know if any of the FitBits run on iPhone 4? I will get a new iPhone of ocurse eventually!