How can I lose 80 pounds in two months?

I know it sounds really insane but my friend lost over 100 pounds in the same amount of time. He told me to eat oatmeal for breakfast, an apple for lunch, and spinach for dinner and then to work out for about 5 hours a day. Will this work? My long distance boyfriend is coming in march and I really want to look good for him as its our first time meeting in person and I feel all this pressure (not from him but from myself) to be in good shape.


  • soupandcookies
    soupandcookies Posts: 212 Member
    I know it sounds really insane

    Yes. It does.
  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
  • spm2010
    spm2010 Posts: 197 Member
    Yeah that sounds very healthy and doable, ummm no. You'll end up in the hospital or your grave before your bf even walks through the door.
  • DownsizingAaron
    DownsizingAaron Posts: 127 Member
    First of all we don't know how much you weigh. The more you weigh the more you can take off faster.

    More importantly though, it is crazy to attempt this without first consulting a doctor. I think most will strongly urge you to take a more measured approach.

    If you go on a crazy calorie deficit and lots of exercise it is possible if you are big enough to begin with but still crazy talk. A pound of fat is approximately 3500 calories so you are talking about burning 280,000 more calories than you eat in the next 60 days, which is 4666.67 calories net loss each day.
  • asundeen88
    asundeen88 Posts: 32 Member
    I suppose you could cut off your legs... but no yeah that's a terrible idea. Decide to be healthy for yourself the right way. Read the success forums to see how people really did it.
  • little_firefly
    I weigh 245 and I'm 5'0 ft
  • little_firefly
    I'm not a troll I'm just desperate
  • willywonka_71
    willywonka_71 Posts: 41 Member
    I know it sounds really insane but my friend lost over 100 pounds in the same amount of time. He told me to eat oatmeal for breakfast, an apple for lunch, and spinach for dinner and then to work out for about 5 hours a day. Will this work? My long distance boyfriend is coming in march and I really want to look good for him as its our first time meeting in person and I feel all this pressure (not from him but from myself) to be in good shape.

    If you want to feel weak, cranky, lower your immune system, lose vital muscle mass, obsess about food/exercise, risk injury (from under-eating and over-training), increase your risk of an eating disorder and have the weight start to come back on once the visit is over (you will binge doing what you described above), then that is your decision. A poor one, but yours none the less.

    If you want permanent weight loss, strong/sexy muscles, energy, self-confidence, freedom to think about other things non-weight/food/exercise related, then your best bet is the slow and steady process.

    I suggest that you educate yourself about how much you should be eating and exercising to lose weight in a safe, slow and more sane way. Talk to a dietician, doctor, and read up on some great posts here on MFP. Here's a couple, I am sure others here will direct you to other posts.

    You never want to rush weight loss - it almost never comes out ok. And even if your friend was successful with his weight loss, I am sure he is not feeling all that great, and I bet you that in a year, he will have started putting the weight back on. If this guy likes you for who you are, then he would want you to lose weight in a safe manner, and be supportive of the time it will take to get to your goal. If he is not, then you deserve to find someone who will be.

    I hope you choose the healthier approach.
  • vturner88
    80lbs is not a healthy weight to lose in two months, you know that. Set some healthy goals like getting more active and getting more water and things will work out. The weight will come off. Focus on being happy and preparing yourself to meet your beau in the coming months.
  • Sreneesa
    Sreneesa Posts: 1,170 Member
    I do not think its realistic.

    Just try and lose as much as you can in a healthy way and please do it for yourself; not for the benefit of a man.

    Good luck.
  • Shuuma
    Shuuma Posts: 465 Member
    Did you tell your long-distance boyfriend you were 80 pounds lighter than you are? If so, I think that's probably just as unhealthy for your relationship as losing 80 pounds in two months would be for your body.

    Eat sensibly, workout, confess to your boyfriend, and be determined to be a healthier you.
  • little_firefly
    Did you tell your long-distance boyfriend you were 80 pounds lighter than you are? If so, I think that's probably just as unhealthy for your relationship as losing 80 pounds in two months would be for your body.

    Eat sensibly, workout, confess to your boyfriend, and be determined to be a healthier you.

    No he knows I'm overweight and he says he doesn't care but I just feel its very unsexy to have him touch me and feel rolls and its making freak out and have panic attacks just thinking of him rejecting me
  • Shuuma
    Shuuma Posts: 465 Member
    No he knows I'm overweight and he says he doesn't care but I just feel its very unsexy to have him touch me and feel rolls and its making freak out and have panic attacks just thinking of him rejecting me

    After a few weeks of working hard and eating sensibly, I lost 20 pounds and felt stronger, which made me feel much more confident. Start today, work hard, and you'll be on your way!
  • garciabnm
    get divorced?
  • Supertact
    Supertact Posts: 466 Member
    get divorced?

    but seriously no you cant do.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    Yeah, wait until the last minute to do something about your appearance when you feel it's that big of an issue. Then do something incredibly ridiculous to get it done.

    Solid plan, OP.

    Or you could start learning how to fix your relationship with food, eat a moderate deficit, and begin making changes for the long term.
  • SerenaKitty
    Why the rush? A boyfriend coming is not a good reason. Besides fast loss doesn't look too great on most of us. You can't rush those changes! :)
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member

    I'm sorry, but that's too unrealistic of a goal. To give you some perspective, I'm 5'2 and started at 211. It's taken me 6 months to lose 40 lbs.

    At most, you should aim for 2 lbs a week loss, but you need to log consistently, accurately, and honestly.

    Forget the boyfriend, do it for yourself. Take it from someone who has met a few people from online, there's always expectations and disappointments. Don't do it because of someone you "haven't met" yet, reality can turn out much more different than you expect.

    FYI, I met my husband online. We "talked" for 9 months online before we met personally. We got married after 6 years together. 13 years later we're stuck like glue to each other. lol.

    Don't rush things, and just do what you can in the amount of time you have, and continue even after you meet.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    You already know the answer to your question or you would not have posted it. The idea is insane, and your friend ought to be ashamed of himself for telling you that losing weight on a very low calorie diet and working out five hours a day is an okay way to lose weight.

    The first thing you need to decide to lose weight for yourself and not for some guy you've never even met. Believe me, if you guys end up not liking each other it will probably be due to personality rather than looks.

    Set your goals up in MFP to lose 2 pounds a week, accurately log all food and exercise, stay within your calorie allowance, and stick with getting healthier as you go along, and you will lose weight. Weight will probably come off pretty quickly at first, but then it will slow down.

    If somebody rejects you after you tell him the truth about your weight then he's not somebody worth being with.
  • Otterluv
    Otterluv Posts: 9,083 Member
    Have yourself quartered?

    OP: seriously bad idea. If you were not totally honest with your online bf, it's time to come clean. Otherwise, just start eating at a moderate deficit and lose weight at a healthy rate. You can still make some progress in 2 months, and any little bit will make you feel better and more confident when you meet him.
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