Need Breakfast & Lunch Ideas

I tend to eat the same foods until I can no longer even look at them.

Dinner is not a problem for trying new recipes or keeping things interesting, it's breakfast and lunch that are always the same.

Here is what I eat all the time.

Protein Smoothie
Ham & Egg muffin (no bread made in muffin tin)

Spinach, tomatos, avocado and grilled chicken made into a salad
Homemade Soup

I eat my breakfast during my commute so I need things that can be eaten on the go. I also do not eat cereals or packaged foods.

My concern with having soup for lunch is that I don't get any protein.

Any ideas or suggestions are welcome.



  • mommyjos
    mommyjos Posts: 98 Member
    I would love to see what others have to say! I have the same problem!
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    for breakfast, you could try a home made breakfast burrito? scramble egg whites, toss in some veggies or salsa, wrap it up, and take it out the door to go? I do cereal so I am not much of a breakfast person! good luck!

    I believe it is south beach who has some great whole wheat wraps that are 100 cal?
  • erspohn
    With this list, I can eat ALL day long.

    So breakfast, I will eat

    Egg Whites 60 calories ½ cup or Sugar free maple oatmeal (100 calories) I mix the liquid egg whites with a laughing cow wedge (35 calories)

    Thomas Bagel Thins (110 calories) with I can’t believe it’s not butter spray (husband calls it ghetto butter) zero calories and I use it for everything. Rice, mashed potatoes, cooking, you name it.
    If you drink coffee, I use fat free half/half 20 calories for 2 tablespoons

    For my cheese cravings, laughing cow wedges. They just came out with blue cheese, yum and many many other flavors. 35 calories per wedge

    Sara lee whole wheat pita (40 calories for a pocket as opposed to 100 calories for 1 slice of bread)
    Deli Oscar Meyer Ham, Turkey all between 45-50 calories for 6 slices. I add lettuce and different mustards look at the calories. Most contain zero. Sometimes I take a laughing cow wedge and smear in the pita pocket
    Left over dinner cut up and put in pita pocket
    Single servings of albacore tuna fish, mix it with dijonaise mustard/mayo mix (look for the zero cal ones) and/or dill and lemon. There a salmon ones too (around 100 calories for each one)

    Dannon Activia Fat Free Yogurt 70 calories
    Lipton powdered cup soups 50 -60 calories
    Half a pita (40 cals) smear laughing cow (35 cal) or peanut butter (95 cal for 1 tablespoon) or hummus (40 cal for 1 tablespoon)
    Sliced apples from Costco (6 oz bag 90 calories)
    Bite size Round tortilla chips and salsa ( count it out and under 200 calories)
    Reduced fat cheeze-its (I just count them out)
    Reduced fat wheat thins (count them out) and use a wedge of Laughing cow cheese

    Boca Products
    Chicken Patty 160 calories
    Boca Burger 70 calories
    Orowheat sandwich thin bun 100 calories
    Add lettuce, onion, tomatoes, sometimes mustard, sometimes a laughing cow wedge to make a cheeseburger.

    I eat a lot of salmon (any fish), chicken breast, then vegetables, then carbs last. I never go over a cup of rice (use jasmine unless you like brown, my family won’t eat brown I tried) and same with potatoes (Don’t eat the skin on baked) we use butter spray and salt and pepper.
    Extra lean ground turkey; make burgers and meatballs.
    Shrimp and Scallops are low in calories and tasty

    I usually drink water, but for flavor Diet Arizona Iced tea. Super good and zero calories. For alcohol, red wine is 110 calories a glass. Diet Tonic, vodka and lime is 70 calories. Zero cal for diet tonic.
  • JoyousRen
    JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member
    I love peanut butter toast for a quick breakfast. It is surprisingly filling and really easy.
  • someday120
    I agree with JennaMarie I often eat a homeade breakfast burrito

    and as i had told another mfp member for lunch i usually have a chopped up hard boiled egg inside a wheat pita, and add some tomatoes and spinach for a little over 200 cals.. you could replace the egg with tuna for almost the same cals. . Also try mozzarella and tomato sandwiches. And another lunch i'm fond of is a couple slices of turkey with 1/4 a cup of cranberry sauce.

    if you like seafood this is a seafood pita sandwich for 162 cals :
  • heyzoos
    Breakfast burritos are awesome!!

    My favourite breakfasts:

    Eggs Benedict with Spinach (ham or salmon is also good) (you can skip it, but an english muffin is good with this :)
    Oatmeal with fresh or dried fruit (mmm apricots), sometimes almonds or seed mix. Food Doctor essential seeds are good.
    A banana. Simple but effective. Sometimes with plain yoghurt and some dried fruit and nuts (usually almonds)
    Fruit salad. Whatever is fresh. Usually topped with some plain yoghurt and essential seed mix.
    Mexican breakfast. Rarely, cos I usually go overboard and have to take it easy the rest of the day. Quesadilla are my favourite. Just go nuts.
    Most days I'm pretty boring and just have some ReadyBrek with protein powder, but it does the job.
  • Mesmereyes
    Mesmereyes Posts: 83 Member
  • bhonniered
    I generally like to have a small banana and some water while waiting for my vanpool, then when I get to work I have my coffee and either yogurt and fruit (grapes) or 1 eggo toasted w/a tablespoon of peanut butter and some fruit.

    Lunch I am all over the place :-)
  • turbojanem
    i love questions like this....why is it that we have to eat "breakfast" foods for breakfast??? so many times people say they don't like eggs, what can i eat for breakfast.....the answer: ANYTHING. healthy food is healthy food.
    i have been known to eat leftovers from the night before. at this time i tend to eat either an omelet with LOTS of veggies. but most days i have a Shakeology....the combination for this is endless. a great balanced meal when you add fruits/almond butter/soy or almond milk. it comes two flavors, so mixing and matching is awesome.

    for lunch....homemade soups are awesome. canned are full of salt or msg. i have a great Turkey Chili that is packed with protein and veggies. (message me for the recipe) wraps can have tons of combination's...from all veggies to veggie to veggie and meat.

    i like cold salmon with my salads. and cold mashed sweat potatoes are like dessert, but GREAT for you.

    think outside the creative. there are so many foods that are good for you and don't come in a box/bag.

  • clipsychic
    Bumping for later... liking the ideas.
  • Shaqueta
    I'm also trying to expand my breakfast Idea's. I also wind up eating in the car so it does limit me a bit.

    slim fast (190 cal) and a piece of fruit

    I buy the 1cup size plastic bowls in bulk from Sams Club. That let me know exactly what a cup was

    I pack of instant oatmeal the kind varies (130-160 cal ) and I add organic flax seeds to it, and a piece of fruit of yogurt dannon (80 cal)

    If I have time (which I usually don't) I'll do egg whites ( I started buying them in a container made it a lot easier), turkey bacon (35 cal a slice), healthy life wheat bread ( 35 calories a slice), 1tblspn grape jelly (50 cal). That goes with a few extra paper towels cause its going in the car as well.

    Carnation breakfast essentials powder mix (130 cal) good source of vitamins and stuff with 1 cup almond milk ( 60 cal).

    I swear by Genesis Today's Acai Berry juice mix @ Sams club.

    Aldi has a terrific assortment of Fit & Active food from meal replacement bars, to 90 cal bars in different flavors, 100 calorie snacks, smoothie drink 70-80 calories, and lots more that are priced low and taste great.

    Hope this helps.
  • shanolap
    shanolap Posts: 1,204 Member
    I love egg scrambles!!! Mix an couple of eggs with a couple egg whites and whatever you have in the fridge together and cook quickly in a pan coated with Pam. The possibilities are endless!!
  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    Thanks for the great ideas everyone.

    The possibilities are endless I just need to stop being lazy and mix it up a little.

    Some of the ideas might be a little hard to eat while driving but I can always try them on weekends.

  • aproc
    aproc Posts: 1,033 Member
    My breakfasts are usually eaten with a spoon. Banana smeared with peanutbutter, and quaker nutrition bars are the only non-cereal or oatmeal type breakfasts I have..
    My lunches are normally sandwiches made with the tuna salad sandwich ready puoches or pb.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    Turkey chili! Low-cal, healthy, full of protein and veggies and you can make a big pot over the weekend & it just gets better every day.
  • saychzzz
    saychzzz Posts: 69 Member
    I have lowfat vanilla yogurt with frozen blueberries and 1/4c granola for breakfast. I can eat it going down the road but you may want to mix is with a few ice cubes in a blender to make it a smoothy so you could drink it. And for lunch I have 1 c of frozen fruit or a piece of fresh fruit and a sandwich made with Nature's Own 35 calorie bread and turkey and provolone cheese. Very filling but light on calories.