Finding time and motivation

What time do you work out? I find that I am able to work out at 6 am but am not a morning person. I was working out afterwork but that can be a hit or miss. I really wish I had a gym partner. My husband wont workout with me and doesnt push me too much. Im having such a hard time staying motivated and consistent.


  • KaosLynnRose
    KaosLynnRose Posts: 3,415 Member
    only time i have time is when my 1 yr old is napping and that can be sometimes hours at a time or or just 15 mins so i try to do as much as i can in that time period
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    I'm having a really rough time with the time change & it getting dark so early!!! I like walking / jogging in the evening. Also, I'm pretty sure I've got the winter blues right now. :(
  • KaosLynnRose
    KaosLynnRose Posts: 3,415 Member
    I'm having a really rough time with the time change & it getting dark so early!!! I like walking / jogging in the evening. Also, I'm pretty sure I've got the winter blues right now. :(

    also she likes to stalk me on the boards here that must burn some calories lol jk
  • Luana11368
    Luana11368 Posts: 14 Member
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    i understand not being a morning person, but i realized that it was the only time i had to work out. I wasn't going to work out after work, because i was usually tired, and the gym was packed. i was also a little shy and didn't want to be judged at the gym, so i decided to start going first thing when it opened, at 5:30am. it was quiet and i found myself enjoying the work out.

    soon it became habit. alarm would go off, and i'd have the coffee already set up and my clothes laid out. i'd wake up at 4:45am and be at the gym as soon as it opened.

    look, if exercising after work is hit or miss, then go work out before. you don't have to do it every day, but just try a few days a week until you get into the swing of things. preparation is the key to success leave yourself as little to do in the morning as possible. Pack the husbands, yours, and kids lunch the night before. pre-make breakfast (oatmeal can be made in bulk).
  • Mother_Superior
    Mother_Superior Posts: 1,624 Member
    OP While I don't necessarily agree with everything this guy says, I found this book for free on Amazon. (Weight Loss Motivation Hacks: 7 Psychological Tricks That Keep You Motivated - It's all about creating and sustaining motivation, and fitness related habits. It's a pretty quick and easy read. Maybe give it a look, hopefully there might be a couple of things in there to help you out. You can also consider resources like There might be days where you only have 10 or 15 minutes to work out. If that's the case, grab a fitnessblender workout and knockout whatever you can of it. It might not be optimal from a physical aspect, but it can help reinforce the habit and keep your momentum up. Good luck with it.
  • yayamom3
    yayamom3 Posts: 939 Member
    I work full time and I am VERY busy afternoons/evenings attending my children's activities. About a month ago, I finally decided I could no longer use my kids' schedules as an excuse to miss my workouts. I started getting up at 4:00 am to go to the gym before work 2-3 times/week. Sure it's hard. But the hardest part is putting both feet on the floor and getting out of bed. After that, it's a piece of cake. I absolutely LOVE how energized and motivated I feel for the rest of the day! It's totally worth the sacrifice.
  • iamthesweenmachine
    I generally have been working out mostly in the late morning/afternoon now that I am on winter break from school. Whenever you have a free hour, even if that means waking up really early, it will eventually become a habit. I am a full-time college student who HATES waking up in the mornings!!! I eventually had to force myself to wake up most mornings to get a good workout in before 8:30 am. Trust me, it is ALL worth it!
  • Stripeness
    Stripeness Posts: 511 Member
    preparation is the key to success leave yourself as little to do in the morning as possible.

  • RonnieLodge
    RonnieLodge Posts: 665 Member
    What time do you work out? I find that I am able to work out at 6 am but am not a morning person. I was working out afterwork but that can be a hit or miss. I really wish I had a gym partner. My husband wont workout with me and doesnt push me too much. Im having such a hard time staying motivated and consistent.

    I work out around 6am. I am not a morning person either but I have been known to do the following:

    1. Keep a caffeine pill next to the bed that I pop as soon as the alarm goes off
    2. Sleep in gym gear
    3. Have gym back all packed and ready to go the night before
    4. Buy a Lumie alarm clock that wakes me up with light instead of sound.

    That way I could be up and out the door before I had really woken up.
  • Wifey7891
    I've always had a hard time keeping up with workouts. I work 8-4, and definitely don't want to do the 6am workout. When I get in a routine it gets easier. You just have to set aside the time, no matter whats going on. Set some small goals, and remember that its all about the effort you put in for whatever workout routine you decide. Also, exercise means nothing without a good diet.
  • LessthanKris
    LessthanKris Posts: 607 Member
    I work out around 1 PM because that is nap time. My kids get up at all sorts of times but I can usually squeeze in a Jillian Michaels workout. I did try to workout at a couple times at night but I honestly felt sick and actually threw up once. Not sure if that is Jillian or just the time of day but evening workouts are rough for me.

    As for keeping motivation, I honestly made it a priority. Everything else has to wait. Sometimes I felt selfish knowing there are things to get done around the house, but they will be there when I got done. Knowing that nap time may not last long, there is no time to talk myself out of it. Same thing if you have to get up in the morning. Do not leave yourself anytime to talk yourself out of it. Get everything ready the night before so that is not an excuse. Find or plan a workout that you realistically have time to do. I personally really like programs like Jillian's because she sets it out that this is what you do on this day, and this is what you do the next. Having a schedule really kept me accountable and I just want to say I completed the program.
  • Luana11368
    Luana11368 Posts: 14 Member
    Thank you everyone for your words of encouragement. I'm going to step up my game and be more prepared in the am.
  • Shuuma
    Shuuma Posts: 465 Member
    I get up early in the morning, too. I found it seemed silly (at least for me) to yawn through my day and workout in the evening. I had a ton of energy just in time for bed.

    So, I get up 15 minutes earlier in the morning, workout, finish my morning routine, and have tons of energy for work. It also makes me hungrier so I'm more likely to eat throughout the day which helps me with keeping my energy up and spread out calories better.
  • ElleB321
    Hey I'm new to MFP and I NEED your help support and encouragement add me PLEASE! ????