Fibromyalgia, excerise and weight loss

For the last 10yrs I have never felt my age, always tired, only having energy to do what really need done and niggling aches. Just over a year ago my unkown illness spiralled out of control and I was struggling to even do simple tasks. Finally last summer I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia.

During the last year I have put on the weight and gone up by 2 stone (10stone up to 12 stone) - I think a combination of depression and a new beau who is a dream in the kitchen contributed.

In April we went to London for our anniversary and thats when I realised that my weight was spiralling out of control. Despite crippling pain I made sure I exercised for at least 10mins every day. Slowly I started getting better and the pain was less. By end of August I had lost a stone but unfortunately at the beginning of September I lost my Gran suddenly. My weight loss plauted and my fibro started to rage again. 3 months later and I have not loss anymore weight but due to even more bad news I'm not surprised.

I'm struggling to get back into excerise due to pain, severe headaches and exhaustion. How do u motivate yourself?

Sorry for rambling but think I need to offload some of my stresses :-)


  • hastingsmassage
    hastingsmassage Posts: 162 Member
    You just force yourself to do things you don't want to do. Thats the 'will power' winning. I have a couple of different diseases. Nothing will stop me. You have to find motivation in yourself. Nothing else, just you can make a difference. Good luck.
  • I'm only 18 but I have fibromyalgia, 2 bulging disks, and spinal stenosis. I feel hopeless I've gained 60 pounds!!!!! Add me if you want
  • NoExcusesFitnessCoach

    I was diagnosed about 8 years ago. I too felt hopeless before I started my journey. I was in constant pain, always exhausted, and relied on medications to survive. I could barely make it up a flight of stairs. What motivated me to start is that I wanted my life back. I knew I had to FIGHT BACK and so I did. I started in March 2013 by addressing my nutrition. I now eat completely CLEAN and am vegan. No processed foods, no soda, no coffee. CLEAN EATING. Then I started exercising. It takes hard work and determination, but if you're willing to put in the work, you WILL get results. I've completed 4 Beachbody programs SO FAR. Started low impact and have moved on to very difficult programs many "normal" people can't do. I've lost weight and have been symptom free for almost a year. No medication, no pain, no fibromyalgia.

    There IS hope. If you want to talk more, let me know :)
