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Anyone else wake up feeling very bloated and blaaa but still hungry??

So… I am 46 (47 in a few weeks.. ouch!) had my first grand baby in june 2013 and have another due in feb 2014.. Its depressing to think i really don't have any pictures taken with her.. Im normally the one taking them as i hate ALL pictures of me.. I NEED to loose weight so i can feel better about MYSELF.. Ideally i would like to loose 45lbs.. I also have a trip to Bahamas in March 2014 and would LOVE to feel good about myself.. yes i know i won't be at my goal but would be nice not to feel so blaaa.
Im trying to get myself organized so i can start this journey Jan 1st.. One of my big problems is i really dislike vegetables.. peas carrots and corn (oh and potatoes but that doesn't really count lol) are the only ones i really eat.. salads give me bad heartburn (think its the lettuce) so i really am restricted..
would love some "friends" on here so we can help each other along the way :o)


  • amykay9377
    amykay9377 Posts: 98 Member
    Anyone else wake up feeling very bloated and blaaa but still hungry??

    So… I am 46

    Ideally i would like to lose 45lbs.. I also have a trip to Bahamas in March 2014 and would LOVE to feel good about myself..

    One of my big problems is i really dislike vegetables.. peas carrots and corn (oh and potatoes but that doesn't really count lol) are the only ones i really eat.. salads give me bad heartburn (think its the lettuce) so i really am restricted..

    would love some "friends" on here so we can help each other along the way :o)

    Ugh, I just wake up in the middle of the night hungry! I know a lot of it is my eating (more on that in a bit), but it still sucks!

    I'm 36. I'm looking to lose right about 50-60 pounds myself. Currently, I'm 5'7" and 210lb.

    You will LOVE the Bahamas! I went about 10 years ago and it was great - bring the sunblock though! It's so much stronger down there, even for this Florida girl...

    I, too, cannot eat veggies. It's not that I don't WANT to, but I react physically when I try to eat them. Peas and carrots (together) make me puke. I can eat potatoes (which we all know is not a veggie...). There is a disorder out there called "Selective Eating Disorder/Food Neophobia) that is pretty much what I am. The thought of putting a pea or grape in my mouth and feeling it squirt open makes me want to puke right now. Apples feel like Styrofoam in my mouth. Yogurt (especially greek) makes my mouth feel fuzzy after a few bites (though, I am getting better with eating that...) It's so hard to explain to anyone, and when I try, they look at me like I'm crazy.... so I don't talk about it a lot. I can do smoothies if I blend the heck out of it (no chunks).

    Anyway, friend me if you like, we can help each other out! My profile is open to friends, but I think my diary is open to everyone. (I've only been here a few months...)
  • dejavuohlala
    dejavuohlala Posts: 1,821 Member
    why put off until Jan 1st what you can do today??

    feel free to add me but i only offer mutual support to those that support me

    good luck on your journey
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    I recently turned 48, and can't believe that either. Although I have two little ones 4 and 6, so I want to be and remain as healthy as I can for them.
    Bahama's - Nice !!!

    I'd love to help if you'd like

    Amykay - There are actually feeding therapist that may be able to help you more with those texture issues. My son has a lot of eating issues so we are working with him.

    Here's to 2014 being Your Years!
    Are you using the next few days to put together your game plan??? Decide what you will do, how, get your foods, and Write Out your plan!
  • almomnc
    almomnc Posts: 68 Member
    I am turning 42 soon so I understand the ticking clock analogy. I tend to be a grazer where I graze in the kitchen after my kids go to bed. I have much younger children that exhaust me on a daily basis. I was never much of a veggie lover but have learned to eat stuff that I wouldn't have chosen a year ago. I still prefer beans and peppers over other stuff. I am on MFP daily and enjoy supporting others as much as I appreciate the support. Feel free to add me.
  • itsmeamanda
    itsmeamanda Posts: 11 Member
    seriously.. I wonder if i have the same thing.. most of the time its a texture thing.. makes me gag.. I am SO going to look this up tomorrow.. I would LOVE to be able to eat a bowl of grieved veggies or bite into a tomato .. but ack makes me want to gag thinking about it..
  • itsmeamanda
    itsmeamanda Posts: 11 Member
    yes.. next few days will be to put a plan together :o)

    Heres to a SLIMMER 2014!!!!
  • BOC57
    BOC57 Posts: 44 Member
    Like you, I'm "putting a plan together" which actually is starting! I am really becoming aware of the behaviors that are causing me the most problems and exploring the best approach to making this a doable way of life. This is not my first rodeo and I know that moving mindfully is what makes this the most workable. Not the fastest weight loss or most dramatic, but certainly easier to maintain......One thing I know is that once I start to feel better, it gets easier to make the right decisions.

    Luckily I am a veggie lover but understand your texture issues as both my husband and youngest son suffer with that issue. Maybe fruit and veggie smoothies would help, or making a veggie soup and smoothing it out with an immersion blender. My husband has found that some vegetables that he finds unpalatable cooked, such as broccoli, he can eat raw. Hope that helps:smile: Beth
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    Message me and receive an invite to the 15 week challenge. It starts tomorrow!!