i need fitbit friends

Hi, I have used MFP and fitbit for a while now. I am trying hard to shed the 30 pounds I put on after breaking my ankle 3 years ago (ice skating). It sure is hard to get that stuff off! Even though I watch/log what I eat and ski, walk, run and thoroughly enjoy Alaska's beautiful outdoors all year long, it is some pernicious blubber. Anyway, maybe it will help to have some fitbit friends on board. Here is my fitbit ID if anybody is interested.



  • doheed
    doheed Posts: 10 Member
    Hey, also on Fitbit; feel free to add me here and there. All the best Al
  • FinFoxPT
    FinFoxPT Posts: 106 Member
    Hello i have just also got a fitbit on and looking for people to add, i shall add you on mine.

    Fin x
  • Hi I'm randyt1234. I'm not a man that is the name of my favorite singer. I'm new to all of this but not new to being overweight. I had bariatric surgery four years ago. I reached my goal but then health issues stopped my exercising. I gained approx. 30 lbs. I want to lose this and maybe a little more so I can have some skin surgery in May when school is out. Please help me stay motivated and moving forward.
  • You can me to fitbit
  • purpleleopard76
    purpleleopard76 Posts: 77 Member
    Friend requests sent to all of those above me - for anyone else looking for new friends feel free to add me on MFP and on fitbit:

  • hedwardsb
    hedwardsb Posts: 201 Member
    I'm www.fitbit.com/user/24LN73 although I haven't been making my steps at all lately.