Need support...

I had my son three and a half years ago and have been struggling ever since. Before my pregnancy I was thin and I let myself gain 75lbs during the pregnancy (I blame it on quitting smoking); I started the pregnancy at 120 lbs and ended up at 195lbs. A year after his birth I was still 175lbs and decided to do something about it. I made it a lifestyle change, turned to healthy eating habits and felt great. It took over a year but I got down to 125lbs but felt very happy and content with my body because I was lifting heavy so I had a lot of lean muscle mass. I logged on myfitnesspal everyday, not just for calories but to see my overall nutritional status.

Then I went into my final year of nursing school and it got crazier than I ever imagined. I stopped logging, I started drinking diet pop (I had quit drinking pop for over 1.5 years even though I previously drank 6 cans a day), I started eating convenient junk, and just got lazy. Now it has been about 1 year and a couple months and I am back up to 175lbs, I don't work out anymore even though I loved it before and became great at it, and I am feeling horrible. I am under a lot of stress but know that eating healthy and exercising offers major benefits, I just can't seem to quit eating junk food. I even deleted my old profile because I am so embarrassed/ ashamed of what I let happen to me. I have tried to start logging again numerous times before but I let myself get discouraged with having to start over with eating healthy and working out. While I work out I just shake my head in disappointment knowing that last August I could have done these workouts in my sleep when I can't even get through them now. It just upsets me that I felt so good about myself and my eating habits that I never thought that I would end back up here, and worry that I will get back to where I was and sabotage myself again. Sorry didn't mean to let this post turn so whiny, it's just so very difficult to change your eating habits. I am looking for friends who I can grow with that will support me and who I can also support. Thanks.


  • chiccam
    chiccam Posts: 239 Member
    You can add me as a friend. I too am back after falling off course. We've done it before we can do it again!
  • MrsHafer07
    You can add me too! I am just getting started!! :) I need someone to help hold me accountable!
  • TaurusV
    You can add me too, but I fall sometimes on the eating, but is normal. I just try to keep posting if I have time, even if is a disaster. XD
  • ButtercupSuckedItUp
    You can add me as well. I have lost and regained a few times before. And I can totally relate to stress and eating!

    Don't be so hard on yourself. Life happens. All you need to do is start. Take it a step at a time. Don't focus on 125 pounds. Focus on smaller weight goals and celebrate them when you get there. Set fitness goals and work your way back to where you want to be. Figure out how to do it with the way your life is now. You'll get there.
  • kaydensmom1990
    Thank you all for the encouragement, and I hope that we can all help support each other with our goals!
  • elly620
    elly620 Posts: 209 Member
    Everyone falls off the band-wagon. I have lost count on how many times I've started a fitness program. Feel free to add me just say what thread I met u from.