Introduce Myself...

Hi My name is Bobbi....

I'm starting this for my 1st time.. I live in Clearfield, So if anyone whats to get together and help each other out... Let me know...
Well a little about me..
I'm 38 years old. I'm 5' 0", I weight 147 right now my goal weight is 110-115 my husband would like me to stay at 120-125...
I hate the cold.... (just staying) I've lived in Utah my whole life expect 4 years and we lived in NJ, I have 3 Children. 22, 19, and 17 years old... and 5 step-children 17 and 16 which they live with their mom in St. George. 15, 12 and they live with their mom in Layton, and a 11 year old and he lives with me and his dad... I've been with my husband for 12 years but have been married for 4 years...

I like to do craft stuff... really any crafts, I can crochet, quilt (but not very good yet), scrap-booking (haven't got into it a lot), I'm doing our 11 year old room for Xmas (spider man)

I like doing stuff outside when it's warm... Walks, hiking, fishing, camping..

I would like to find something that I can keep track of how much exercise and see how far I've come while I'm working out it helps me work harder....

If you have any questions or what to hang out and exercise hit me up.....


  • joybedford
    joybedford Posts: 1,680 Member
    Hi Bobbi I Joy I am 42 and live in the UK I have 3 kids and work full time. I am a fitness addict and workout most days ( running, weight lifting whatever takes my fancy).. I follow the paleo diet this has changed my life and I am very passionate about it. Feel free to add me I log every day. I have a large friend list but interact frequently despite my busy life.
  • SDBaur
    SDBaur Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! My name is Sandy. I have been in excellent shape my entire life.... until 2 years ago when I had a serious back injury. Since then I have really packed on the pounds and do not feel like the same person. I had several spinal injections this year and am trying to get healthy again. I was introduced to MyFitnessPal by my sister and LOVE it! I am hoping to lose around 25-30 pounds and maybe even feel good enough to start running marathons again! I am so happy to have found this site! Keep on Keepin' on!
  • abeusher
    Hello friends. I'm Abe, 39 years old and from northern Virginia.

    I was in the Army in the 1990s (82nd Airborne Paratrooper). I'm getting back to my former fitness level (aka 'paratrooper shape').

    I tried low-carb & south beach diet plans but didn't feel well on them.
    I'm currently eating vegetarian / flexetarian and twice a week I do a mini-fast (based on the 5:2 diet concept of partial fasting).

    During the week I do some light running and bodyweight exercises like pushups and pullups.

    Pleased to meet you all and looking forward to encouraging you on your journey.
