Any Optifast users out there?



  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member
    Amazing posts from people who sell it.
  • MissDireWolf
    MissDireWolf Posts: 14 Member
    Hi NYC Cat!!!

    I started week 13 and right now my stats are SW 275.5/CW 224/GW 175 ( 5'9" 46yo)

    I never thought in a million years I would be over 50lbs down since I started the program. I know trying to lose 80-100lbs is a daunting task, but please make sure you take one day at a time and never EVER give up. It will happen and you just need to believe yourself and stick with it.

    I love what Optifast has given me so far. The holidays haven't been as tough as I thought they would be, and this plan has given me the necessary tools to accomplish anything I put my mind to. So can YOU!

    Good luck.
  • Dani_elle81
    Dani_elle81 Posts: 6 Member
    Today was Day One. I am on the Optifast 800. I was fine through out the day. But now I feel myself getting a little lethargic. Originally my Doctor wanted me to consider the surgery, but I felt that this might be better for me. The Doctor spoke to me at great length about the different surgeries, benefits and risks. But I really never got too much information, of what to expect from Optifast. I was instructed on how to follow the plan and that it will work. But to what degree will it work? Should I expect 2lb a week lost.....or something a bit more substantial? I am determined to get healthy and lose the weight. All your stories are so inspiring, you should all be so proud of yourselves and the journey you have taken. Looking forward to meeting/talking to all
  • MissDireWolf
    MissDireWolf Posts: 14 Member
    First week I dropped 10lbs and then 3-4lbs there after. I need to loss 100-110lbs and did not want to get any type of surgery. I'm glad that I chose Optifast to really use as a platform for my weight loss. It's taught me so much in the 14 weeks I have been on the program and I am never bored of frustrated.

    If you put your mind to it and take one day at a time you will succeed.

    Believe in yourself and be a visionary! I never in a million years thought I would be where I am today 90 days later!

    Good luck!!
  • NorthernCalGal
    NorthernCalGal Posts: 12 Member
    I will be starting Optifast on Jan 13. I have a friend who has been on it since July and he has lost 140 lbs! I have tried losing on my own with "real food" but have not been able to do it. I am looking forward to the group support and accountability. I am going to get a jump start on it doing a modified 2 week program starting Sunday w/2 or 3 shakes and 1 meal/day. Wish me luck!
  • huv123
    huv123 Posts: 54 Member
    I used optifast as a kick start for a couple of weeks before a friend died unexpectedly and I decided to take a break. In that time I lost about 15 pounds. Since then I have lost another 15 pounds through eating a low calorie diet, but I am going to start up again this Sunday on optifast. I like the idea of alternating on and off. I can get through it knowing that "real" food (even healthy low calorie food) is only a few days away. I would love to hear how people are going?
  • MissDireWolf
    MissDireWolf Posts: 14 Member
    The one thing I have taken away from Optifast during my weight loss journey is to use it as a platform to better eating and better habits all around.

    Even when I do eat a my one meal, I am now trying to make myself more aware of the nutrient content and how it's going to be beneficial to me. I look at food now as fuel and not the emotional buffer I did month's ago. I treat it like it's "just a meal" and do not get caught up in the emotional aspect that is did once before.

    As for "cheating". Heck I've done so during the holidays and never did I pull the rip cord and start a downward spiral. I acknowledged that I did and got right back on track. That's a powerful thing to do and I hope that others like me can use this to our advantage and (emotional) gain from being on Optifast.

    Good luck and may everyone be happy and healthy in 2014.

    Aim high and hope you all reach your goals.

  • I have just entered my 10th week on Optifast and have lost 22.1kg so far with 14.9kg to go to get to my first goal weight. Apart from 1 night of falling off the food wagon and 2 surgeries in one week (wasn't allowed to exercise for 2 weeks after) I have been very strict with it (even Xmas day). More energy than I have had in decades and I am thinking faster and healing quicker. The first week while running down the glycogen stores was the hardest with no energy and fuzzy thinking but I woke up one morning and have had more energy than I know what to do with. My garden and lawn have never looked better and neither have the neighbours and in-laws gardens either.
    The only downside is how many people think they can try to tempt you to break the diet if only for a little while. But if you remain steadfast, the results soon show. I have lost 30cm from my waist and many people are commenting on how good I am looking.
  • NorthernCalGal
    NorthernCalGal Posts: 12 Member
    Congrats! That totals 48 lbs! Good for you -- I can't wait to start :)
  • Can anyone tell me how to use optifast? I ordered it but not sure if I do the shakes only or how many. I need to lose 50lbs.
  • Just have three of the shakes per day plus at least 2 cups of low starch veges and at least 2 litres of water a day. If you can exercise too the weight will fall off. The first 3-5 days are tough but stick with it, it's worth it. Good luck!
  • Hardest thing I ever done (especially the first week). But most rewarding thing I have ever done.

    I am on the tail end of week 3 (started 12/12). First week weigh in was -11 lbs. Due to my Doc being out for the holiday I have to go 2 weeks without and "official" weigh in (official is at the doctors office, unofficial is with our bathroom scale). Unofficially I have lost another 18 lbs in the last 11 days.

    I only do the Optifast shakes and bars. 3 shakes 2 bars a day. 6 am shake, 10 am bar, 1 pm shake, 4 pm bar, 7 pm shake. 820 calories a day. Not cheated once.

    Water was hard too. I drink a gallon a day. Every 2 hours (from 5 am to 7 pm) my alarm on my phone goes off and I drink a bottle of water (16.9 oz). That has become easier now.

    Another hard part was exercise. Getting this 341 lbs moving was a chore. I do have an elliptical, and the doc said to start with 15 minutes a day. After that first day I renamed it ElliptiHell. My thighs where killing me. But I stuck with it, everyday. After a week my thighs stopped hurting. Then I went 15 minutes + 1 song, then +2 songs. Then 20 minutes and everyday pushing a little bit further. I am up to 30 mins in the morning and another 30 in the evening. One of these days I'll be brave enough to get some batteries and turn the damn thing on. Yep still at 0 resistance but I'm still sweating like a pig after 30 minutes.
  • tawpilot
    tawpilot Posts: 1 Member
    Just started Optifast. (Day after Christmas)... Trying to lose 50lbs

    First week has been rough. Looking forward to first official wiegh in in a couple of days.

    I'm on 5 shakes a day. Haven't started incorporating any additional excercise into my routine yet.
  • Dani_elle81
    Dani_elle81 Posts: 6 Member
    I started the day after Christmas and I am happy to report that today is Day 5 and I am down 6lbs. I feel great too, no more cravings at all!

    Happy New Year to all! So glad to have found this group chat!

  • septembergrrl
    septembergrrl Posts: 168 Member
    I would bet a nickle half the people in this thread either work for Optifast or got some kind of incentive from them to post here. Please cut it out.
  • I would bet a nickle half the people in this thread either work for Optifast or got some kind of incentive from them to post here. Please cut it out.

    That would really suck if that where true. I for one do not work for nor get anything for posting here other than to keep my motivation going and maybe let others who are on the same journey they are not alone. Though I wouldn't mind a little kick back, since I spend $120 a week on this (food + Dr visit co-pay).
  • Dani_elle81
    Dani_elle81 Posts: 6 Member
    Agreed, that would stink if people were doing that here. I certainly am shelling out plenty of money for this. Although, my insurance is picking up the fees for the doctor visits/tests. I think I would be more upset by the fact that people come here for support, as do I. If people are "fake" here it will not benefit anyone. I like to think positive thoughts though and I hope that no one in this group is lying. Negative thoughts wont help anyone!
  • christygb
    christygb Posts: 84 Member
    It is wonderful to find people who are currently participating in an Optifast program! I just went to my first group meeting last Thursday and then start Optifast 70 in a few days. Currently I'm journaling my food and exercise. I'm scared and excited at the same time about the fast, but I'm very impressed with the level of group and individual support I'll receive over the next year and a half through my program. And I'm absolutely not getting paid (LOL). I am very happy to have found this thread and would love to be able to participate in a supportive environment for people who are walking the same path. Happy New Year to everyone!:flowerforyou:

    SW: 257 lbs.
    CW: 249 lbs.
    GW: 140 lbs
    Blog: Optifast Adventurer:
  • christygb
    christygb Posts: 84 Member
    I'm still learning how to reply to posts, sorry for the duplicate.:blushing:

  • JosiBella
    JosiBella Posts: 5 Member
    Hey guys, I've just started the Optifast VLCD again after my 4 week stint was ruined by the dreaded xmas dinner :/ Whenever I log my food and exercise on here it always tells me the calories are too low and my body might go into starvation mode. Is it reason for concern? Anyway, feel free to add me -I could certainly do with some extra motivation ;) Stay classy!