Thanksgiving Solution!

brittanydaniel79 Posts: 226
edited September 22 in Food and Nutrition
Since I don't yet have complete confidence in my healthy decision-making skills, I had to come up with a good solution to keep from gorging myself on all that amazing food.

This obviously won't work for everyone, but I have scheduled to have my wisdom teeth removed the Monday before! :sad: Haha. That should limit consumption a little. But oh how I do look forward to the leftovers...already. :bigsmile:


  • Hi creechbc,

    I read your post, and maybe you can save those teeth, because you need them to chew your foods like steak and bigger more difficult foods that need extra power to chomp down and chew.

    Maybe you can limit your consumption by using proportions instead of eliminating body parts (teeth) in order to not over eat.

    I just hope you're making the right decision.


    Best of luck to you!!!!

  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Yea I think that's a joke- most dentist/orthodontic Surgeons won't just agree to remove your wisdom teeth for any flippant reason. In fact, I've been trying to get rid of mine for years (it's genetic- they look great for ever and then when you turn 50/60 and start needing regular meds, oop! the dentist decides NOW is a good time to put you under and rip em out. Happend to 3/4 of my grand parents and both my parents and 2 uncles so far) and they simply won't do it unless they feel it's necessary. Wisdom teeth aren't really necessary for chewing either.
  • mccorml
    mccorml Posts: 622 Member
    wisdom teeth are useless teeth guy that said she needs to save them they push all the other teeth in

    and chreech how much do teeth take off at a weigh in xD yes ive found the easy solution for weight loss
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    Size20to10 - I'm guessing that she is having them removed because she NEEDS them removed. And is just scheduling it right before Thanksgiving for strategic purposes. I'm sure she's not having them removed JUST to not overeat on Thanksgiving. Atleast, that's what I hope!
  • I'm really just joking for the most part. I could definitely make some good decisions, but my wisdom teeth have been bothering me. I've needed them out for a while and I have vacation over Thanksgiving, so it was the only time it could happen. Thanks for your concern though! Just trying to spread a few smiles. :smile:

    [Edit: Thanks those of you who got the joke :wink: ]
  • I'm actually getting my top wisdom teeth taken out the Tuesday before Thanksgiving because it's a day I don't have class and my kids are in school so I won't need a baby sitter and then I have the rest of the week off of school to recuperate. I didn't even think about how that would affect my Thanksgiving dinner! Aaaahh!! Oh well...probably for the best as Thanksgiving has always been a major gorge-feast for me in the past...
  • helloiloveukitty
    helloiloveukitty Posts: 448 Member
    I gained a ton of weight after I had my wisdom teeth out....all the soft tasty foods kinda did me in lol but this was like a year and a half ago, right before I started to drop weight
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    Good luck with that! I was such a mess, haha.
    I hope you can at least indulge in some mashed potatoes!
  • My 15 year old son is also having his wisdom teeth removed that week...he is NOT happy about it at all! So we decided that the weekend before, will be our "early Thanksgiving" so he can have all of his favorite things!
  • Well another funny solution is to schedule a colonoscopy right after thanksgiving. Sick - I know.
  • mccorml
    mccorml Posts: 622 Member
    am i the only one here but i had mine taken out when i was like 13 or 14 haha and i ate enchaladas that day haha so much for good eating habits
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