Starting (yet) again...

Having horrified myself yesterday by stepping on the scales and realising that I have 70lb to lose, I figured I was better off starting again now, rather than at the New Year as I had originally planned. I'm 28 years old, married with two beautiful sons, but all the men in my house can eat what they like without gaining a single pound!

I would love to have some support from anyone, but especially from people who also have a lot of weight to lose. My motivation is always really good to start, but maintaining the losses and not getting bored with the healthy eating it is the huge issue I have!

So, I started today, fingers crossed I can stick to it this time! xx


  • I added you.

    You're right - there is no point in waiting until a certain day to start. That is just bad all around.
  • I'm starting again, too! This is why a new year, new beginnings, more support! Good luck!
  • kbrown294
    kbrown294 Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks guys - I'm really hoping I can stick to it this time. Looking at myself this morning, I look 8 months pregnant again - hideous! Time for a change. Thanks for the support x
  • Nicmc8
    Nicmc8 Posts: 178 Member
    I am starting again too... I gained 50lbs this last year... that means I have 50lbs plus my other pounds to loose:( I weigh today what I weighed the day I walked in 8 yrs ago to have my daughter. I need support, I need motivation. Adding you as a friend, let's do this!
  • epeebes
    epeebes Posts: 89 Member
    I'm starting again too, I hope we can motivate each other!
  • Twinklewood
    Twinklewood Posts: 47 Member
    I'm starting tomorrow not waiting until the new year why wait a couple of days :)feel free to add me I have over 100 lbs to lose :(
  • mdawn1253
    mdawn1253 Posts: 26 Member
    I'm starting again also! We can do this.
  • nickyob03
    nickyob03 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm starting again too! I feel disappointed in myself yet glad I am taking an active role in getting myself back on track. Twenty pounds to go!!!!
  • hannydeee
    hannydeee Posts: 155 Member
    I started again on 27th Dec. Everyone thinks I'm crazy for not waiting until the New Year, but I just see it as getting a head start and beginning 2014 in a good place!
    Got about 2 stone (28lbs) to lose ideally, but going to play it by ear.

    Would love some new friends to join me on the journey :)
  • crenfrew28
    crenfrew28 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm starting today too!! I've three beautiful children and still look pregnant :( and just to add to the pressure I'm getting married in August eeek. Please feel free to add me it would be nice to have some mutual support x
  • I am also not waiting for the New Year.. I joined MFP almost 2 years ago and initially dropped 90lbs off a 365lb frame between February & April 2012, but then life happened and I let it be my excuse to start over-eating again. I've put 70lbs back on. :( I have to get this under control and start losing again before I gain it ALL back plus more. I refuse to get that heavy again and will take all the friends and motivation I can get!
  • Samphires
    Samphires Posts: 31 Member
    I'm starting again too. Lost 42lbs in 2012 and then gained 80lbs in 2013. Worst year of my life. It just seems like an impossible feat to get this weight off, but I know its manageable. Got to stay focussed!!
  • Welcome. I started today also. Would love support! I'm 28 with 90 lbs to lose. Anyone feel free to add me also
  • healthyversionofme
    healthyversionofme Posts: 111 Member
    I am starting...yet again as well! I have 55 pounds to do and I plan on doing it now!! I am 3 days in on my journey and I already feel better :happy: I am adding all of you for support and to give support! :flowerforyou:
    KIMBELKOWSKI Posts: 50 Member
    Me too...starting over again today...30th time is a charm right? I was doing great this summer and then October hit and my motivation just left. We can do this...Here is to a WONDERFUL 2014!!!!
  • paigenevaeh
    paigenevaeh Posts: 64 Member
    "all the men in my house can eat what they like without gaining a single pound!"

    I know the feeling! I live with my two male friends, they LIVE off pizza, muffins and pasta. If I ate what they did in a day I'd look like a whale!
  • dlionsmane
    dlionsmane Posts: 674 Member
    Congratulations on the first step of making the commitment to start. I have one question, if you get bored with so called 'healthy eating' then why not just eat what you like while staying in a calorie deficit? Why do you have to change what you eat to lose weight? You should only have to change how much you eat - right? I'm thinking the way to stick to it is to like it - remember if you can't see yourself eating this way for the rest of your life then you won't stick to it.

    Just a suggestion :smile: Good luck!
  • emmaemz1985
    emmaemz1985 Posts: 140 Member
    Am starting on the 1st jan if I start now I would end up drinking far too much New Year's Eve and then start the year off feeling guilty lol. So 1st jan it is. Would love some motivation as this is my downfall and I have a long way to go to get to my ideal weight... It's soooo easy to put on weight yet sooooo hard to get it off again, I only have to look at a cake and I gain 10 lbs :) xx
  • margiesoemakno
    margiesoemakno Posts: 2 Member
    Just like you I started again....tooo..I do went for a holiday to Bali and saw all the beautiful ladies in their bikinis, while I am ashamed walking around in a t-shirt and pants. I must say though I have never been satisfied with what my body looks like. It is hard.but my goal for 2014 is to get back in shape and loose a few pounds...good luck to you!
  • krickitt24
    krickitt24 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm right there with you. I figured it was time to stop letting the fact that I've gained 50 extra pounds over and above what I needed to lose derail me. Its so easy to feel sorry for yourself and use it as an excuse to continue to make unhealthy choices. For me, its about choosing "junk food" over good food. Now that I'm 50, I'm starting to worry about diabetes, heart disease and blood pressure...I mean, sooner or later I'm going to stop beating the odds. I have to keep telling myself, "You have to eat like you're 50 not like you're 15."