beginner cycling training

hey dudes--back at it come monday. my poison of choice is cycling, for the time being, as i'm still dealing with the aftermath of surgery to correct chronic ankle instability. i'm committing to a 12 week program, requiring 6 days of training per week and was wondering whether anyone would be interested in being my accountability/motivational pal. details for the first month are as follows:

while i am frankly fat, my goals are not weight loss specific; i'm more interested in improving my mobility and increasing my fitness so i can DO ALL THE THINGS!

anyone? anyone? bueller?


  • cchanski
    The program looks do able and if you need any motivation let me know. I do ride a lot myself, and have been using myfitness pal on and off for about a year now, to keep track of my weight during the off season. I usually race around 76 kg, and am around 82 at the moment. I think last year I started around 90-92 so it's going to be a bit easier this year. If you have any questions feel free to ask. Are you riding outside now or using an indoor trainer or combination of both.
  • 5thbidness
    5thbidness Posts: 34 Member
    i live in the frozen north (today's temperature is -36 degrees C, not factoring in windchill), so i'm currently indoors with a trainer, and will likely be sticking with that until late march. i am hoping to rehab sufficiently that i can resume running around that time but have been told that it might be an activity that is firmly behind me... in which case i may find myself at a bit of a loss. running was what i did for fitness, while cycling was more of a transportation activity.

    first things first, right? i appreciate your e-support. i am hoping the varied workouts will alleviate some of what i anticipate to be a challenge with indoor training--boredom.