Specific questions about strength training and working out

Hi everyone!

For the past month or so I've been counting calories and have dropped about 10 pounds. Feeling great! In addition, I've just now started Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred this morning. I also do strength training in the morning (with 8 pound dumbbells I have, doing exercises like bicep curls, hammer curls, shoulder and back exercises, squats, etc.)

I've always been very athletic, but two deaths in the family, a cross-Atlantic move and a horrible breakup and subsequent bout with depression meant I ballooned from 140 pounds to 210. I beat the depression, now I just have to get the weight off. At 140 pounds I was a size 4 (I'm 5'1") but I'd been muscular from working out. I'd be happy being around 160 if it meant I were a lot stronger and were, say, even a size 8.

Is it feasible for me to expect to lose around 4 sizes from now until June (so, the summer)? So I'd be going from a 16 (current) to an 8. Keep in mind that I'm short and short gals have to lose less to move a size down. This is a lifestyle change for me. Eat clean, exercise, rinse, repeat. I know this is something I've changed and will continue to follow for the better, but what sort of results can I expect around summertime? No matter what, I'm still plodding along!

Thanks :)


  • pljenkins
    pljenkins Posts: 2 Member
    It's certainly a goal to shoot for and not out of the realm of expectation. Realized that if you get into a strength training program your weight will likely for a period plateau or possibly even go up depending on the rate you rebuild muscle. Your best benchmark of progress is your measurements. Even if your weight stays the same due to the gain of "heavier" muscle mass, your SHAPE will continue to improve.
  • Hi! Thanks. :)

    My current measurements are 43-35-47. I'd love to get to something like a 38 (or whatever my boobs turn out to be!) - 28 - 40.

    I'm totally fine even if the scale says 350 pounds as long as my waist measurement means I'm healthy, and I am strong with lots of lean muscle mass. I realize I might not lose 60 pounds, but if I can lose 40 and make up for the 20 in muscle gains, I'll be super super happy.

    Is it really an attainable goal?