Menopause and weight loss... ugh!

Anyone else trying to lose weight while going through menopause? I've been at or under 1200 calories for a week, exercising (brisk walking) for 30 minutes everyday. I lost 2 pounds, gained 1.5, lost 0.5 and gained 1. Back to where I started ... so discouraging... any advice??


  • sgeorgia
    sgeorgia Posts: 66 Member
    you might actually want to try going over 1200 at least a few days a week if not more. this will often work with many folks. And be sure to keep your salt low as this could also have to do with the fluxuation.
  • JudyQ
    JudyQ Posts: 13 Member
    Been there myself and have a hard time losing weight, although I have a good handle on the inches. You are too low on the calories...go to Diet Free Life and see if there is any help there. I just googled this problem myself and, because I work out 6 days a week, they say I should be at 1900 to lose weight. I am at abot 1600 and cannot lose...I am at a loss to explain this but I would definitely check Robert Fergusens website for assistance...JudyQ
  • nancdag
    When I started out I was fustrated also, but after I think two weeks the weigth started to come off an stay off. I try and not weigh my self every day because that can be discouraging only weigh yourself once a week. I have lost 20 lbs since the middle of July. It is slow but it is coming off. I walk on a treadmil for 45 min. 5 days a week. The extra 15 min. made a difference.
  • DKWaggoner
    I am in the same boat with you & I fluctuate often.The one thing I notice is when sodium is moderate then i dont do the yo yo thing so much.So my small bit of advice is watch the sodium intake & if you do go over compensate by drinking more water.
  • chacaruso
    chacaruso Posts: 261 Member
    I'm in the same boat and I'm a nutritionist! I'm now eating below 1200 calories daily and exercising 45 minutes to 1.5 hrs. a day. At 51 with a 30 lbs weight gain, it can be very discouraging however I'm anti hormone replacement so I'm determined to really eat "clean" and not cheat. I just joined the site so I'll keep you posted and you do the same ;)
  • NYIceQueen
    NYIceQueen Posts: 1,423
    Just had a partial hysterectomy and dr thinks I'll probably be in menopause by next yr (have my ovaries but have PCOS...they should've taken those too at this rate)'s brutally hard. But I agree with varying the number of calories. Your body will get used to something and then rebel. Get some exercise, too, at varying amounts.

    And Don't forget to do some weight-bearing exercise to ward off the risk of osteoporosis...that and it'll help you tone up some...I haven't seen too many lbs, but the inches in the last month alone have been great. You'll feel better, which eventually will help you stay committed to losing the weight/getting in better shape.

    Just hang in there!
  • Interalia
    Thanks everyone so much for their advice and support. So ... plan for the coming week is to monitor sodium levels (hard for me ... I'm a 'salty cheesy' person, rather than a 'sweet' person (hopefully just on the food level :happy: ). Will check out Robert Ferguson's website, and increase calories if nothing happens weight wise this week - and continuing to do with brisk walking with 3lb weights in each hand. I'm also anti hormone replacement, so determined not to let this beat me...
  • Interalia
    Hi! Thanks for your reply ... I've posted a reply to the thread with my plan for the coming week, and will keep you posted. Please do let me know how things go for you.