Ready For Change

Hello Everyone!

My name is Missy and this is my first time ever tracking my calories! I started last Thursday and I have been having a lot of fun doing it.

My main reason for doing this is I over eat all the time and I am a terrible junk food junkie! I also get up in the middle of the night and chow down on terrible things such as cookies, snack cakes, and soda! I think during this whole journey so far that has been the hardest thing to quit. Soda is so addicting and it seems like sometimes that is all that is on my mind. I have been trying to drink water during these cravings.

I am hoping to get some results from this between the calorie counting and exercise.

It is nice to meet everyone and I wish everyone good luck in their journey's!


  • JamieK84
    JamieK84 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi Missy! This site is really awesome and I promise if you stick with it you will see some amazing results. I think it helps having such a great and diverse support system on here. I just started using MyFitnessPal again two days ago; I used it last year and lost 45 lbs...unfortunately due to personal issues I gained it all back plus some. I can completely relate to you too, I LOVE junk food and always overdo it. I agree, soda is so hard to quit. I've switched to tea, so at least I still have my caffeine (I can't handle the headaches that come without it!). I also limit myself. I only let myself have two glasses of tea, one in the morning and one in the evening. I used to go through at least a 2 liter of soda a day (sad, I know). It's a hard process phasing it out, or even just cutting down, but it gets easier with time. What do they say, it takes 21 days to make a habit? I'd say there's truth to that, but really it gets easier every day you stick with it. Anyway, I can definitely relate to you. You can add me if you want some extra moral support; we can help each other stay on track :)
  • tracywintn
    I use the drink drops (everyone makes them now...mio, crystal light, Kroger, even Kool Aid (my kids love those) in my water. It helps me drink WAY more water and I was able to give up diet soda. I try to drink more plain water but that is a real struggle for me. I have been tracking (various methods) since Sept 9th and have lost 18 lbs (hopefully it will be 20 on Wed..that is my I struggled A LOT with the binge eating at the start and Christmas was a huge challenge for me, but even with all that I still lost each week. So just log EVERYDAY-good or bad and I bet you see some good results.
  • KalieHudson
    KalieHudson Posts: 307 Member
    Welcome Missy! I also like to snack and I'm working everyday to change those habits. Just try eliminating one thing a week and soon over time it will add up to a huge transformation. Or exchanging something bad for something healthy. I have a completely open profile and try to log my diary everyday. I have sent you a friend request. Anyone feel free to add me!
  • MelissaDrees
    MelissaDrees Posts: 16 Member
    Thank you guys for your support! It is really good to know people are seeing results with this website. Also that all those people are real and not paid to say things. I am giving it my best shot! I have my first weigh in on Friday! I am extremely nervous. I always want to see results right away and when I don't I usually give up! Not this time, I am going to stick with this until that scale tells me what I want. I don't have an unrealistic goal I just want to lose a little at a time. I wish you all good luck with the new year! Thanks Again!