Feeling defeated because of the holidays?

So this week has been killer for my routine-- so much so that I think I may have gained up to 5 pounds (in just 5 days).

It's so discouraging for me because I lost 80 pounds using MFP over the past year and to see my weight creep up 5 pounds in a single week terrifies me and makes me feel like i no longer have control over myself. A lot of people think i'm being ridiculous, but I feel like they don't understand how hard it was for me to lose those 80 pounds.

I really need motivation and support right now to lose these measly 5 pounds. I can't for the life of me figure out why this is breaking me down when I was able to lose 80 pounds with all the determination in the world.

Is anyone else struggling with their weight this week? I'm really REALLY REALLY hoping that I can get back on my grind tomorrow morning, bright and early and that this is strictly holiday related eating.


  • luckydays27
    luckydays27 Posts: 552 Member
    You did not gain 5 pounds in 5 days. Thats impossible. that would be an extra 3500 cals each day (on top of your maintenance cals) to eat and I think if you lost 80 lbs already, you could not get that many cals in you each and every day for 5 days.

    Most likely, your sodium intake is higher than normal and you are retaining water. I can swing 5 lbs if I go far over in sodium. Give it a few days and you will be closer to where you were. I am sure of it.
  • WSG88
    WSG88 Posts: 13
    Girl, I feel you! I fell off the wagon from early October until yesterday and I gained 10 pounds. I had went from 177 to 136 from August of 2012 until August of 2013. I am now back up to 146 and just started logging again yesterday. Don't get discouraged, like the person above me said I don't think you really gained 5 pounds in 5 days. Drink a lot of water and take a walk, don't stress it. If your like me you will stress and stress until you think you can't do it anymore, then that leads to more bad eating. The holidays are over! You can very easily get back on track and be back to where you were before they even arrived! Stay strong, you can do this, just don't beat yourself up about it. Silver lining, this is a learning experience now you know what not to do/eat next year! Good luck doll!!
  • Oh I think most of us have gained a few pounds over the holidays. Although I do agree you have probably mostly gained some "water weight". I would just log my calories for the next week then weigh again. You will probably see it come right off! In my experience, when I have gained 5 or more pounds within a week, it's always just water weight because I lose it just as fast. Don't panic, and don't be discouraged! :)
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    I put on a few pounds in the last couple weeks due to three factors: (1) taking antibiotics for 10 days, which screwed up my digestion; (2) cutting back on exercise, due to holiday travel; and (3) eating more - at or just over maintenance, rather than a daily deficit of 500-700 calories.

    Thing is, #1 and #2 are both temporary. I know that I gain weight if I cut back on exercise, due to glycogen and water retention. The antibiotics produced some mild gain. Those will both go away with time and increased exercise. The only actual gain is from #3, and that's a pound at most - easy-peasy to take off after January 1.

    You know that you have lost 80 lbs, so you know you have what it takes to lose 5. Right now, don't let it bug you too much, but if it is bothering you, take control by eating somewhat less and drinking more water. And commit to doing exactly what worked before once the holidays are over.
  • thank you all for your support, for real. it's been eating at me all day (HAR HAR HARRR!!).

    in a way, i'm glad this is happening because it's something i can work towards for the next few weeks. i have to remind myself that i've been able to lose 80 pounds, i can easily lose these 5 pounds with dedication. and i have to accept it won't happen overnight, which is what i found daunting today (the fact that i won't wake up tomorrow or even the end of the week to see 135 on the scale like i usually do).

    also, i'm pretty positive i gained 5 pounds... i've logged every single calorie and i've definitely eaten almost 17,000 calories ON TOP of what i should be eating. insane. INSANE.
  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    I think 95%of people struggle around this time. Now it's time to Ramp it up! You can do it
  • godsgrl33
    godsgrl33 Posts: 307 Member
    I totally know how you feel. I needed to see this post, because now I know I am not alone. The thing is, is that these foods you only eat once a year, and even though you COULD make "Christmas" cookies next month, but it doesn't seem to be the same. Now, even the focus in the supermarket will be losing weight, and not so much junk food all over the place to tempt you. you've done it before, I've done it before, and most of those on here have done it before. We can and will lose weight again.
  • reading your posts is making me feel so much better already. i need to stop freaking out!
  • don't fret over 5 lbs. youve accomplished alot, i think sometimes we get too caught up in the scale numbers. everybody needs to enjoy life, and the holidays are a time to do that. After i got home from visiting my family over the holidays I started working out again, and started clean eating again. Its only been a few days, but I already feel pretty great! You can do it, if you want to turn it around, it all starts with today.
  • IndigoFlowers
    IndigoFlowers Posts: 221 Member
    I've gone through a week of holidays in Florida.. and another week of family festivities... These two combined have shown a 9.5lb increase on the scale.
    Am I worried? No. I got back into routine today.. and I remember that most of that increase is because of water.

    And I smile because I know I enjoyed all the delicious food. You'll be okay, I'll be okay... Just get back to it! :drinker:
  • love all of your positivity!!! i know i can do this, i know i can. i've done this before, no sweat.
  • pierremignon
    pierremignon Posts: 172 Member
    I badly needed to see this thread today. Reading everyone's positive insights about this dreaded holiday weight gain was a breath of fresh air. Glad to know I'm not alone.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    My priority over the holiday period was to enjoy the company of family & friends - job done!

    Now got a few pounds of temporary bloat to deal with but that's life. If it takes a couple of weeks to get back to normal does that really matter?
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    My priority over the holiday period was to enjoy the company of family & friends - job done!

    Now got a few pounds of temporary bloat to deal with but that's life. If it takes a couple of weeks to get back to normal does that really matter?

    Agreed. You've been good all year so Christmas is your reward. Cookie Monster would have been proud of me.
  • MickeS
    MickeS Posts: 108 Member
    I like this one :smile:
  • karensdream
    karensdream Posts: 135 Member
    As most of the posts indicate, the majority of us have eaten outside our normal routines and have had weight variances. Holidays are special days, not ordinary ones, and likewise food and rituals are different than the norm. The focus , for me at least, is that the holidays are over and it's back to business as usual, planning meals and logging food choices and exercise. My emphasis is not on how much I gained or what I ate, but that I move forward with a "do-better" attitude. Half the battle I feel, is in not doing the same things over and over, that were proven not to work in the past, ie: feeling discouraged, berating myself, and giving up. You can't keep doing the same behaviors and expect a different result!! Look forward, not back! 2014 is going to be great!!
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    I also gained 5 with Christmas.... u can request me.....
  • sunman00
    sunman00 Posts: 872 Member
    no interest in getting on the scales over Christmas/ New Year;

    we're fully entitled to enjoy ourselves with our friends & family at this time :smile:

    back in the saddle starting Wednesday, the scales will be dusted off sometime next week when all the fun stuff has worked it's way through,

    happy new year fellow MFP peeps :flowerforyou:
  • Vicxie86
    Vicxie86 Posts: 181 Member
    It is just water weight. I also gained 4lbs but as of today, i've dropped it all back off. I ate as i wanted on 25th and 26th but come 27th, i went straight back to this, so 4days to get back to normal.
  • I have gained a few pounds, but thankfully I just found a note I had journaled about a month and a half ago. I was lamenting about how I had worked so hard blah, blah, blah, and the number was higher la, la, la.

    I am convinced that when we keep doing the right things over time the numbers will follow.

    In any case, my eating has been up, and my exercise has been hours a week less due to the school based recreation programs being closed.

    I am looking forward to getting back to the things that I know work.

    Keep at it; those pounds shall pass! : )