When is it safe to start insanity?!

Hi all :)

I'm definitely not starting it yet (I'd rather not die of a heart attack), but once I've hit my target weight I'd like to build up my fitness level and eventually start the insanity work-outs. I know ideally I should be incorporating a fitness regime into my weight loss, but at the moment I have my reasons why that's not the route I'm taking (feel free to judge :P).

Basically, I was wondering at what level of fitness you guys feel it would be safe to start insanity? Have you tried it - and if you have what was your level of fitness prior to starting, and how difficult was insanity in comparison?

Many thanks :D


  • Tffanie4712
    It is difficult I will tell you that!!! When i tried it the first time i had to go back to Taebo, but i join a group of 5 people doing Insanity everybody quit and i am still going today. Everybody is different it's preference actually. If you feel like you need a challenge do the FIT TEST and if you can keep up half way then you should try it. I'm starting back over I completed my 60 days. My first day starts back tomorrow. You can add me if you like.
  • vicgvro
    I love love love insanity. Starting off I was very unable to keep up with the moves, so i modified quite a bit i did squats instead of some of the jumping jogging in place in replacement of some things. I have seen people do insanity that were probably 300 plus pounds if you have any questions please feel free to add me!
  • USMCFoto
    I did the Insanity set some time ago. It is one of those programs that you can do if you keep yourself tempered to reasonable intensity that fits your current fitness. Of course if you are way out of shape it isn't a good idea but if you can run 5k in under 28 minutes you should be able to do insanity just do it at your own pace.

    I could see being disillusioned if you are substantively slower than the video but that is a personal issue. Personally the upper body items such as repeated pushups and those kinds always kicked my *kitten* for the whole 60 day evolution. I just tempered it to ensure I was working the muscles but not at the intensity of the video.
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    There is nothing wrong with starting it now...just do what you can. As your fitness level increases, you'll find you'll be able to do more. After completing a round of it, try it again and you'll probably be surprised how much more you're able to handle.

    If it still intimidates you, maybe try a lower level DVD workout first to see how you do. A lot of people here like the 30 Day Shred.