new here..where do you start?!

Hi, I have been stalking MFP for a while now and have finally decided it is time to takecontrol of my weight and my health! I need to know where to begin. I met with a nutritionalist who gave me an outline of a 1200 calorie diet planbut I have yet to draw up a plan. I stay up late reading succes stories but get intimidated to begin my own. I pin healthy meals on pinterest and never make them!!! I am a stay at home mom with two little boys, one of whom has add/autism. I was told bymy doctor I need to lose about 45 pounds as I am about to be put on medicine for diabetes. I am scared to death. I am 5"2 and weigh 190. Please tell me where to begin,

Also, I am 44 years old! I will open my diary, thanks!


  • supermodelchic
    supermodelchic Posts: 550 Member
    Hi, I am on here every day , I am 49 and have been weightlifting my whole life, if you want you can add me as a friend and I would be happy to give you some tips. You need to open your diary so we can see what kind of food you are or you are not eating, it can be very simple to make up meal plans..
  • Barbonica
    Barbonica Posts: 337 Member
    Log everything you eat. Don't worry about making massive changes, just see what you are currently eating. Then, make small changes. Cut out soda, or replace a cookie with an apple. Anything that reduces your caloric intake. Add a walk everyday, or do an exercise video. Be patient, it takes time. Remember, what you do is for a lifetime, not a quick fix. Welcome and good luck! You can do this!
  • Hello! My name is Heather! I started pretty much where you are besides for I'm 5'1 and was 206 lbs! I'm now down to 181 lbs. I haven't lost much but just losing that little bit has helped! I simply started by drinking more water, literally recording every little thing I ate, and simply walking. I then cut out almost all soda and started to pick up on lifting weights and I can actually run a mile now. Just start out small. Don't freak your body out by doing too much. It takes 21 days for something to become a habit. If you need someone to talk to I would love to listen.
  • teachmama79
    teachmama79 Posts: 64 Member
    Hi and welcome!!

    You are already doing a fantastic job! I did the same, (looking at success stories) and was very scared to try it. For me I was mostly scared to try again. I've gained and lost weight so many times it is not funny. This time I'm doing it for me. Here are a few tips.

    1. Do NOT try and do too much at once. You will feel overwhelmed and possibly give up.
    2. Try and make small changes. A 1200 calorie diet might be too drastic. Start with the goal of losing 1pound a week and go from there. I know we all want to lose it fast, but slow and steady wins the race and if you deprive yourself too much you might think "Forget this!"
    3. Find/Make friends here on MFP. This time around is the first time I've reached out and made friends. The Facebook type wall on my home page where the friends I've made have posted encouraging words and supporting them too has been really motivating for me. I feel very accountable having them! Feel free to add me as a friend!

    Best of luck!
  • vagabondgoddess
    vagabondgoddess Posts: 38 Member
    Welcome! :flowerforyou:
  • momtoeric
    momtoeric Posts: 33 Member
    Wow! Great advice..I will add you guys and thanks!
  • Kittyvicious1
    Kittyvicious1 Posts: 190 Member
    There definitely will be UPS and DOWNS, but stay with it, keep motivated, make changes accordingly to your schedule. At first you may not see any changes or fall into a plateau, we all have, be patient, make no excuse, there are no good excuse not to take care of yourself.

    To be honest I had a very rough three months, and that's ok, because I have not given up, so add me as a friend and we can begin together. There is no better time than the present. Good luck, its a journey about yourself.
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member

    I agree that 1200 may be too low for starters. Slow and steady and you WILL win the race, it takes time, but you do have to Start. Face that fear. Its ok, we All have fears. Especially fears of failure, and hey, if we don't start something we don't fail. But you Need this for you, for your body. You will Feel so much better as you work through the journey. Yes, you will slip up at times, but that is a slip, Not a failure.... the only failure is not getting back up when we fall.

    We're here to help you stay up and get back up

  • babyythighs
    i'm new here as well!