Enjoy food? Food just practical body fuel? Examples?

How often do you really enjoy what you're eating? What are examples of situations foods?

How often is food just your practical fuel nourishment? What are examples of situations foods?

How often is food just what you can afford or medically need and not something you particularly enjoy?

How do you cope when you can't cook?

Any and all shares would be greatly appreciated. The more specifics the better.
I can't cook where I live right now have some health conditions/allergies and financial limitations which all affect everything above for me. I'd like to figure out a new way to to approach my situation.


  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    What exactly is "situations food"?
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    Life is too short to eat things I don't enjoy.

    Even my boring chicken breast gets doctored up so that I can enjoy my protein.
  • katalexandra7
    I love food! I love eating out and I think my life revolves around food (my big problem!!)
    If I have an early start and little time the breakfast I eat will be simply fuel and not enjoyed because it will be toast/cereal/egg. A breakfast I enjoy would involve bacon and hash browns mmm
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    I think viewing food strictly as a source of pleasure can potentially be problematic.
    I think viewing food strictly as a source of fuel can potentially be problematic.

    I tend to consider nutrient needs, performance needs, and preference/satisfaction when structuring my diet. There may be times where I REALLY want food A, but food B (while still enjoyable) may better meet my needs so I choose it.

    .. And sometimes a bro just gotta eat pop tarts....
  • SheGlistensasSheSings
    I agree and am trying to find a better middle ground.
    Have so many allergies plus reactive hypoglycemia it just seems to a practical take care of body thing. I do eat things I don't always like if I need to eat timing wise it's the only healthy allergen free choice available. Then I feel like yuck but can pay attention to rest of life.
    I'd like to figure out better strategies.

    Why asked for as many examples as possible.
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    I like enough food that I can usually find something that works even though I'd rather have something else. I have to limit certain things for my blood glucose now, and I struggle to get enough protein. I don't like meat very much (or can't afford the shellfish I love), and nuts are too high in calories some days. So I go with yogurt or a hard boiled egg, etc. even if it doesn't sound good.

    I'm also lactose intolerant, but I take the lactase pills. There's no way I'm avoiding dairy if I can help it! The pills actually come in vanilla flavor and are yummy, lol.
  • FoxyLifter
    FoxyLifter Posts: 965 Member
    When I'm in a time crunch and I want something tasty AND nutritious, I make a batch of overnight oats. I'm not sure what your allergies are, but I start with oats, yogurt, almond milk and protein powder. After that, I add stuff that will please my taste buds (raw cocoa, pb2 and stevia), I try to find a balance between good for me and god for my taste buds. Sometimes I do have to make some boring choices (chicken breast), but I jazz it up (bbq sauce for dipping). My diary is open to all of MFP so have a look... but don't look at this past week or so. I've been pretty naughty. :blushing: I'll get back to it soon enough, though. :drinker:

    Editted because of a misspelling.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    I am a foodie...I always enjoy my food. There is absolutely no reason the "healthy" and nutritious food can't also be delicious. Why do people think that "healthy" equates to flavorless crap?

    I love food and life is way too short to eat unenjoyable meals.

    As far as situational food goes...on occasion I have to eat fast food which as a foodie I do not prefer...but sometimes when you're on a roadie you have to do what you have to do and get on with it.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    I love food and I enjoy food often. I do have foods that I eat purely for nutrition when I'm not craving anything in particular, but I do what I can to make sure that everything I eat is enjoyable.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I think viewing food strictly as a source of pleasure can potentially be problematic.
    I think viewing food strictly as a source of fuel can potentially be problematic.

    I tend to consider nutrient needs, performance needs, and preference/satisfaction when structuring my diet. There may be times where I REALLY want food A, but food B (while still enjoyable) may better meet my needs so I choose it.

    .. And sometimes a bro just gotta eat pop tarts...

    :laugh: QFT
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    When you say you can't cook does that mean no microwave or coffee maker? Do you have fridge only? I have a cuisinart egg central that makes poached, boiled or omelet eggs in minutes with no mess. Coffee maker can boil the water for your oatmeal. Frozen mixed veg runs about $1.50 a pound and tossed with olive oil and seasoning cooks up great in a microwave. Brown rice is about $2 a pound and you can cook it in a $15 salton rice cooker. I know a millionaire who eats PB and J on wheat bread every day with piece of fruit and low fat milk. Started it 10 yrs ago when he realized what he ate at work was making him fat. Hope this helps.
  • donnymom
    donnymom Posts: 32 Member
    I love food too! That is the problem. I should eat to live, not live to eat!
  • SheGlistensasSheSings
    Thanks that cuisinart thing sounds cool!
    Yeah no kitchen kitchen sink counters etc. just a fridge and a card table with a tablecloth.
    Some outlets near the floor.
  • Sreneesa
    Sreneesa Posts: 1,170 Member
    I enjoy the food I eat. I always add spices and herbs and very creative.

    Edit: Well, I will admit I more tolerate some foods like Greek yogurt, a tbsp of almond butter if needing some protein before exercising....But the rest I do enjoy.