My weight won't go below 146 lbs



  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Running is lovely (I do it a lot!) but if you do too much of it, or use it in hopes of maintaining a formerly obese body, it is definitely NOT ideal by itself. You need to focus on rebuilding your lean body mass, and that comes about by lifting heavy things. You might want to look into body recomposition:
    Rebuilding your LBM will increase your BMR, whereas too much long distance running tends to burn it off. While this is fine for an elite racer, it's not ideal for someone who is trying to maintain a large weight loss.

    This a very good tip and will work for me too.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I have to tell you, guys, this is one excellent conversation.

    Quietbloom, thanks so much for the additional information. I thought BMR and RMR were both estimations based on gender, weight, height, and age, but it seems that they can be improved through gaining muscle. I am pretty much at my ideal weight now, but my entire life I was overweight, and did a lot of yo-yo crap dieting. Now, after several months here, I am at my goal weight and working on building muscle with weight lifting. I also run, three times a week. I learned from the trainer that weight lifting and cardio is the best package for me, so I've been following the weight lifting plan he gave me. It's nice to know that perhaps all my hard work will produce more benefits than weight loss and feeling great.

    Diva, this is just a suggestion, but could the Jenny Craig food be stalling your progress? It's all prepackaged food, so what is the sodium content? Are you sure about your exercise calories estimations? In any event, I'm sure you've done amazing so far.

    Phaedra, you have done so amazing. I would be frustrated too if I were in your shoes. Someone upstream mentioned Sidesteel and Sara's forum on here. i went and joined last night and I have to tell you, it's AMAZING. I encourage you to go over there and check it out.
    You have to join before you can post anything, but joining is instant and the place is pure organization and sanity. If I was you, I'd follow their directions to posting your question and see if they come up with some different solutions for you.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    This past week I haven't really logged but I know there were a few days I went over and a few days I was under. I just ate to my hunger. I dropped 3lbs. Maybe try to cycle your calories for a week or two?
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    What are you missing? That burger that you ate this morning which you forgot to record by the sounds of things...
  • What's wrong with that?
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    What are you missing? That burger that you ate this morning which you forgot to record by the sounds of things...
    I bet you're loads of fun in real life.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    You're likely down to the last 10-15LBS. The margin of error there is much much smaller. If you're using logging as your means of weight loss, then you probably need to be meticulous with your counting.

    Another thought: have you tried tweaking your macros? Maybe drop your fast burning carbs down for a few weeks, up the fat... Worth a shot.
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    I have to tell you, guys, this is one excellent conversation.

    Quietbloom, thanks so much for the additional information. I thought BMR and RMR were both estimations based on gender, weight, height, and age, but it seems that they can be improved through gaining muscle. I am pretty much at my ideal weight now, but my entire life I was overweight, and did a lot of yo-yo crap dieting. Now, after several months here, I am at my goal weight and working on building muscle with weight lifting. I also run, three times a week. I learned from the trainer that weight lifting and cardio is the best package for me, so I've been following the weight lifting plan he gave me. It's nice to know that perhaps all my hard work will produce more benefits than weight loss and feeling great.

    Diva, this is just a suggestion, but could the Jenny Craig food be stalling your progress? It's all prepackaged food, so what is the sodium content? Are you sure about your exercise calories estimations? In any event, I'm sure you've done amazing so far.

    Phaedra, you have done so amazing. I would be frustrated too if I were in your shoes. Someone upstream mentioned Sidesteel and Sara's forum on here. i went and joined last night and I have to tell you, it's AMAZING. I encourage you to go over there and check it out.
    You have to join before you can post anything, but joining is instant and the place is pure organization and sanity. If I was you, I'd follow their directions to posting your question and see if they come up with some different solutions for you.

    I did! I took QuietBloom's suggestion and joined. Waiting for them to get back to me. Good to know you are there too :)
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Sorry to hear you're still stuck! Did you ever do the 7 (or 9) point caliper test?
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Sorry to hear you're still stuck! Did you ever do the 7 (or 9) point caliper test?

    I did. The trainer did it twice to make sure the numbers matched up. It put me at a 22% BF.
  • ab_1203
    ab_1203 Posts: 88 Member
    I havent read through the thread but youre body probably too used to it. Try and eat more cals for a week then go back to it, I read this somewhere before but dont know if it will work.
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    I havent read through the thread but youre body probably too used to it. Try and eat more cals for a week then go back to it, I read this somewhere before but dont know if it will work.

    Yes, re-tweaking is probably what's needed now. I'm 25 lbs from my goal so I understand it's not going to be as easy as it was before.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Hey Quietbloom -- I truly am not underestimating intake. I have and continue to eat Jenny Craig food -- which is prepackaged, pre-weighed, and set at a calorie level. I add veggies each day to this (lots of raw spinach, broccoli, tomatoes, lettuce). So, the calories I am taking in are fairly prescribed. Are there days I go over? Heck yeah. But to the tune of thwarting weight loss and even causing a gain? Doesn't seem scientifically possible.

    I do like your idea about the lean body mass. True, I tend to go overboard on cardio. However, for the past 5 years, I have been doing strength training with a personal trainer twice a week for an hour each session. I'm wondering if I need to start taking one of my cardio days and just doing pure strength on my own. Maybe I should. Shake things up. But even , for argument's sake, if I added enough lean muscle to burn 100 more calories per day, or even 200, that's only 1400 per week more burned. I'm really at a loss as to how to get this weight back off. If eating an average of 1300-1500 calories a day and burning an average of 300 per day through exercise isn't producing a loss, I dont know what else I can really do.

    Hi there - sorry it took me so long to get back to you. That's great that you are already doing strength training. The problem is, you cannot build muscle unless you eat a surplus of calories. So while you are strengthening what you have, you are not increasing your actual muscle mass. Check into 'reverse dieting'. You may have to resign yourself to the fact that you will put on some fat with muscle while in a surplus, but once it's on, you know how to lose the fat already. I believe the advice I have seen given is to drop cardio altogether and focus on lifting while eating at a slight surplus of calories, making sure you are getting ~ 1g protein/lb of lean body mass. You might want to re-post this to get some more ideas - I have been reading and learning right long with everyone else, so I'd fee better if you got some more input from others who are doing this, or have done it. I know Sara has a lot of experience with this (mod of Eat, Train, Progress) as she has been doing it VERY successfully.

  • brown46545
    brown46545 Posts: 81 Member
    Sorry to hear you're still stuck! Did you ever do the 7 (or 9) point caliper test?

    I did. The trainer did it twice to make sure the numbers matched up. It put me at a 22% BF.

    Isn't that an excellent number? If so, maybe you are just really gaining a lot of muscle? It sounds like you are doing EVERYTHING right.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    22% bf is excellent for in your 40s. You can maybe get lower but it won't be for increased health.
  • I agree. it sounds like you may be very strong at 5'3" with more lean muscle mass than most. I would talk to a fitness trainer and have them evaluate your body fat and body lean mass. A trainer who has the ability to evaluate those things is worth their weight in gold. I 'm 5'2" and have more lean muscle than most, but the scale is at 166 right now. My goal weight would be 155. For me that will be tons of weights, and aerobics to get there.
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    22% bf is excellent for in your 40s. You can maybe get lower but it won't be for increased health.

    YOU look awesome!! I have to know how you did it.

    I'd like to get to 18% BF. I don't know that I will but it's what my goal is.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    22% bf is excellent for in your 40s. You can maybe get lower but it won't be for increased health.

    YOU look awesome!! I have to know how you did it.

    I'd like to get to 18% BF. I don't know that I will but it's what my goal is.

    22% is very good. Nothing wrong with wanting to get to 18% though. It just may take quite a bit of time. I'm kind of in that boat too.
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    How tall are you? Have you had your thyroid levels checked?

    I'm 5.3" and my thyroid levels (as well as everything else) gets checked a couple of times a year. All within normal. I'm totally puzzled over this stalling aspect.

    Just a little side note: Why would you check a healthy thyroid a " couple of times " a year ? I have no funtioning thyroid at all due to radiation from cancer and only got it checked twice a year during the last five years and of 2014 only once a year..
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    Woah, woah, woah. If you are 22% body fat at 146, you do NOT have another 20 pounds left on you to lose (at least not without sacrificing a lot of lean body mass in the process).

    113.88 lbs lean body mass and 32.12lbs fat, about 19 of those essential (13% for women). Your goal of 18% is only a loss of 9-10 lbs.