New Mom wants to lose this weight

rlyn87 Posts: 3 Member
Hey there My daughter will be a year old in about a month so i want to lose the weight i gained with her plus more so i can be healthier and comfortable in my body...I have always felt uncomfortable because I have always been over weight no matter how hard i tried the weight slowly came off and I would really love to meet my goal before my husband comes home in 6 months and i have about 50 pounds to lose so I was wondering if any of you had good diet plans and workouts that worked for you I am tired of being over weight and for once would love to have a nice fit body thanks in advance for any advice


  • Hey there, I just had my baby girl about 7 months ago and am looking to loose the weight as well. Add me if you like and maybe we can challenge each other to excersize and compare diets. So far Ive only tried cutting back on the junk food, but ive only been at this for a few days.
  • Hi,
    I started at the gym and the diet followed. When i started to get energy from working out it motivated me to eat right. I signed myself up for a gym membership and in the beginning was super intimidated by the weight room so i took classes. Bought a pair of cycling shoes and started spin, got really hooked, then i added a weight class after, or find a weight training beginners program on line and start pumping small weights. Thats when your body really starts to change from weight training.... but 85 percent is really diet. I started to eat clean really. Lots of veggies and protein sources like seafood, and chicken and low fat dairy. I watched my carbs (breads, pastas, limited fruits just an apple a day and some berries), and started eating tons of protein, eggs, eggwhites, cottage cheese, fat free greek yogurt, cut out milk and switched to almond milk. I live on almonds, peanuts, and peanut butter, my favorite snack is a handful of peanuts with some cranberries mixed in or just two tablespoons of plain old crunchy peanut butter. Trust me i cannot live with out chocolate. i indulge every day (probably over do it a little) and I go out to eat once a week were i let my self go, have wine, some dessert and eat stuff that i don't through out the week, everyone needs a cheat night.... I hope this helps as it has worked for me but each person is different. On days that I really train hard at the gym, or am surfing or training for a triathalon i usually eat around 2200 calories, when i don't hit the gym i try to eat a little less.
  • supermodelchic
    supermodelchic Posts: 550 Member
    Hi, 1 st you should make sure you add food eaten in your diary, we can't help you out if we can't see what you are eating?? Try to add friends that are positive and are on here every day.. Ask for tips , where can you workout? do you have access to a gym? goodluck:flowerforyou:
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    We'll help you find what works for Your schedule and what you will stick too.

    Congrats on your little one. that first year is joyous and Rough all rolled into one.

    Yes, open your diary and log your food. Its The place to start!

    Welcome !
  • kangaroo33
    kangaroo33 Posts: 76 Member
    While you're almost all much younger than I am (which is a huge advantage in weight loss), I'd have to agree with the diet comes first….no matter what!

    Let MFP set you up automatically with your setting entries. If you do a sedentary setting and maximum weight loss, plus enter in days per week you'd plan to do some exercise (if you can manage it with a new baby), it will probably set you up at around 1200 calories. Don't worry if it says something like you'll see a .6 weight loss per week…that's an average over a huge population. Chances are that if you're really consistent with your calories, and you haven't had any weight changes in a while, you'll probably lose a bit more at first. Just open your diary and log everything…even if you go over.

    I know some people can eat the same way that they have in the past or eat lots of sweets or snacks, that never worked for me and still doesn't! I have had to commit to a lifestyle change and I feel fabulous!

    Anyway, like nancybuss above me said, open your diary and we'll help you find what works for you. Good luck and add me if you'd like.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    My fourth baby was born about four months ago and I'm now getting back into the swing of things. The baby weight came off with no problem, but I still have about 30 pounds to go until I'm at a healthy weight. Add me of you want, my diary is open.
  • Neddie33
    Neddie33 Posts: 3 Member
    I had my first baby 3 years ago and my second 8.5 months ago. I am also trying to the weight that I gained with both boys.
  • rlyn87
    rlyn87 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks everyone for posting Yeah I am starting to write and log everything i eat i started Saturday on paper and yesterday online on here i find it helpful using the one on here because it helps with calculate how many calories and everything you have eaten and how many you have left along with your workout...according to yesterdays log I came in under my calorie intake goal which i think will happen happen more often because i am being more cautious about what i am putting in my mouth thanks again everyone
  • kangaroo33
    kangaroo33 Posts: 76 Member
    Awesome! Glad you're getting yourself together now…I waited way too many years! It's all good though! Now is always better than never! LOL! Good luck!
  • HealthWoke0ish
    HealthWoke0ish Posts: 2,078 Member
    MFP has worked for me.

    My Tools:

    1.Digital scale
    2. digital food scale
    3. Heart Rate Monitor.

    My Rules: (Copied and Pasted from SideSteel's post...he said it succinctly and I thought..."Why re-invent the wheel?")

    1. Eat the appropriate caloric (and macronutrient) intake for your goals and track intake accurately. I think eating mostly nutrient dense and whole foods while still allowing some "treats" is a reasonable starting point/guideline.
    2. Exercise regularly. Do something you enjoy or at worst case choose the least objectionable activity. Ideally you should include some form of resistance based training as a part of your program.
    3. Get adequate rest/sleep.
    4. Establish metrics and use them appropriately.
    5. Repeat.

    Good luck to you! You can do it!
  • rlyn87
    rlyn87 Posts: 3 Member
    thank you :) Yeah I am trying my best with my diet I know I am eating less calories i just need to figure out what foods i should eat and amount i know I need more Protein and Veggies in my plan so I am working on it all but so far i am doing alright with food I just started and we will see if it helps according to the food diary I should be at least 10 pounds lighter maybe more if i keep up what i am doing