2nd time around!

Hello my name is Amanda I'm 30 years old this time last year I started this and lost 25lbs real easy and felt amazing! Than got stuck and stayed the same however I've started creeping back up gained back 15 lbs UGH!!! Anyways I'm definitely stronger starting this time than last... I love running and this time last year I could not run at all... I work over nights so my meals are a mess it I did it before so I can do it again!! Looking for friends to help me stay motivated!!!


  • WaddellsMom
    This is also my second time trying myfitnesspal. I also work nights so my meals are during the night for 3 nights, the day after my last shift of the week is really strange because I sleep most of the day then go back to bed at night, then the other 3 days looks like everyone else's. Good luck!
  • dbdoodle55
    Hi, my name is Debby. This is my first time on myfitnesspal and I am hoping I can get back in the swing of things. Last year I lost 35 pounds and have gained 20 pounds back. Very disappointed in myself but not willing to give up and gain more. I too work at night, actually till 3:30 in the morning, getting home by 4:00 and try to get to sleep by 4:15. It is rough some days, but I know I can do this even with the crazy times I work. I do need encouragement and will appreciate any that I get.