What DVD to try?

Hi all, this is my first forum post. :)

My husband wants to start working out with me. I've been using MFP and exercising 30ish min a day since beginning of Sept and have lost 30 lbs. I've used 30DS, Ripped in 30, 6 week 6 pack the most, and recently tried NMTZ and Bob Harper's pure burn strength DVD. We borrowed Focus T25 from a friend and have done day 1 & 2, but my DH isn't a big fan... I didn't really care for speed 1.0 either, as I don't like kickboxing style stuff.... We both found ourselves staring at the screen trying to figure out what we're supposed to be doing, figured it out and the move is done.

I like Jillian's style, but DH doesn't like her motivational speak (contemplating all you've achieved and such). I downloaded the first day of p90x to see if I liked it and I just can't stand Tony Horton.

My husband would like to "lose fat not gain muscle"... I think I'm still going to buy him some weights, as I only have a 3 lb and 5 lb set.... MINE!!

Anyway, I'm looking for recommendations on a good DVD set to buy... I'd like something with variety (I haven't done 30ds alone as I get bored doing one routine every day). DH would like something around 30 minutes. He works 10 hr days at a physical job, and we have 2 toddlers, so time is not unlimited.

I've been considering Biggest Loser DVDs, or JM's Body Revolution... or other reccs? Thanks in advance!! :)
