Is there any person in your family/friends you don't like?

Most of the time I don't really like my family at all. They aren't the best match for me in terms of family, most of the time I'm quite a serious person and they just annoy me. I do have a humour too but I have to be in a good mood for that to show (around half the time).

I mainly do not get along with my father. He's nice, then he's not nice. Today he was not nice. Not being a morning person, seeing his face first thing in the kitchen annoyed me. Then the lack of cups annoyed me. Of course my face showed it. Then like a baby, he starts mimicking me but making these annoyed sounds? so I say something, and he tells me to grow up, because I'm 21. This angers me. Don't tell me what to do, I'm 21, I am an adult, I can do what I want with my facial gestures.

Can you see how that would anger me? As I walked up the stairs I told him to grow up, and apparently that was wrong, because he can say that to me but I can't back. He threatened me by saying 'Do you want me to take you in the car or not?' Referring to taking me to town. I said I'd rather walk even though it's raining and windy.

Might seem tedious but I can't stand the bloke. I could of responded a lot worse. If you have any stories about something that has annoyed you about anyone or there is someone you don't like or don't get on with go ahead and share, vent.


  • Cali_Chica
    Cali_Chica Posts: 895 Member
    You should work on being an easier person to live with. This seems more your issue than his.
  • conniemaxwell5
    conniemaxwell5 Posts: 943 Member
    The sight of your dad's face in the morning should not annoy you. Being a morning person or not has nothing to do with it. You only get one dad and he won't be around forever.

    If you're out of cups, wash one or better yet, do the whole family a favor and wash the dishes before you go to bed so everyone has a clean cup in the morning. You'd be surprised at how their attitudes might change toward you if you pitched in and helped instead of complaining or making faces.

    Learning to hold your tongue when someone makes an 'unkind' comment is a sign of maturity so if you're a grown up you should probably learn how to do this. I would have made a similar comment to my 22 year old daughter if she had made a face about not having a clean cup in the morning.
  • _Giselle_
    I know it can be tough but take a moment and just imagine how much easier today would have been if you had just laughed him off when he started mimicking you this morning. No argument about growing up, no argument about the ride into town and no walking in the rain and wind. Seems like a lot of trouble to go through just because your dad teased you. If you don't like him I'm not saying you should maybe make more of an effort to not let it get to you for his sake, but for YOUR sake. It's obviously getting to you because you're still thinking about it and ranting about it. Wouldn't it be nicer to not walk around pissed off for the rest of the day?

    That or move out maybe and you won't have to see his face in the mornings. Or any other time either.
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    I know it can be tough but take a moment and just imagine how much easier today would have been if you had just laughed him off when he started mimicking you this morning. No argument about growing up, no argument about the ride into town and no walking in the rain and wind. Seems like a lot of trouble to go through just because your dad teased you. If you don't like him I'm not saying you should maybe make more of an effort to not let it get to you for his sake, but for YOUR sake. It's obviously getting to you because you're still thinking about it and ranting about it. Wouldn't it be nicer to not walk around pissed off for the rest of the day?

    That or move out maybe and you won't have to see his face in the mornings. Or any other time either.

    ^this. I would have found this situation hilarious and just made fun of my dad back and started tickling him or something. Then again, I don't know what underlying issues you have with your father.