Calorie Intake Help/Calorie Burning Help

Hey everyone Im needing help with maintaining weight, so im currently at 61.3 kilos and i want to stay at that because it was my goal weight, Ive lost 35 Kilos this year and My BMR is at 1497 Calories and i Currently eat around 1200-1600 calories per day, I have one cheat day a week (saturday) which normally contains a subway footlong and 3 cookies and some other foods that are off diet, I was just wondering how much calories i would have to burn a day from exercise to keep this weight.

Thankyou :)


  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    How many calories a week have you been consuming over the course of a week - included what you call your cheat day?
    How fast have you been losing weight recently?
    If you know the answers to those two questions then you can do some simple maths to work out your approximate maintenance calories.

    You don't have to do any exercise to maintain weight - it's a balance of calories in & out, that's the way MFP eating back calories works. There's a multitude of TDEE calculators on the web if you prefer that way. Just be prepared to experiment and adjust.

    Easiest way is just to log everything accurately as possible and walk up your calories slowly until you find the right maintenance calories.
  • oshjj
    oshjj Posts: 17
    1500x6 + 2000 (11,000)
    a week approximately.
    i havent been really losing weight recently its just that im gaining it, i dont know how i mean i eat 1500 calories 6 days a week sometimes less and on the weekly cheat day i consume 2000. Ive used a calorie intake calculator online and it says that i should consume 2587 Calories to maintain weight, theres no wat that could be true is it?
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    I would be surprised if your maintenance calories are that low unless you are very sedentary - if I were you I would take a step back and make sure that your food logging is as accurate as it can be. Every morsel of food & drink. Weigh foods rather than estimate etc..

    When you have confidence your logging is spot on then you just need to keep adjusting until you find the numbers were you keep in a reasonable range of weight.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Set your MFP goal to maintenance, and continue to eat back your exercise calories at the same rate as you did when you were losing.

    If after two weeks you're still losing, start eating back 100% percent of your exercise calories (if you weren't before), or manually increase your calorie goal. But if you start gaining after the first two weeks of maintenance, start eating back a smaller percentage of your exercise calories.

    It will take some trial & error like this to find the number of calories at which your weight stabilizes. You'll fluctuate slightly, and additional fine tuning may be required from time to time.

    Congratulations on reaching your goal!
  • oshjj
    oshjj Posts: 17
    Just wondering as well how many times a week should I weigh myself a week? i currently weigh myself at least twice a day. I was even thinking today to ditch the scales to just once a week, ive heard its better because of how weight fluctuates all the time, any advice here? I'm still gaining weight as well when i am doing at least 1-2 hours exercise and only having 1500-2000 calories a day.
  • Torgrills
    Torgrills Posts: 103 Member
    Twice a day weights is excessive. I know a lot of people like to weigh daily first thing in the morning to keep themselves on track and honest, but your weight fluctuates throughout the day so how accurate are your readings if you're weighing multiple times a day? If it's a practice that causes you to stress or beat yourself up over, cut back on the weigh in's or ditch the scale.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    ^^^This. Rather than weight, some people in maintenance reduce their calories by 100 whenever their clothes stop fitting.
  • oshjj
    oshjj Posts: 17
    Maintaining weight has been going great so far since posted.
    Another question whats the most reliable BMR calculator im getting different calculations for everyone i use.
    Thanks :)
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    They're all just estimates. That's why weight loss takes so much trial & error. Everybody's different.