Need Some Friends! (20 yr old girl)

Back on the MFP flow for like the fifth time. The only time I was really successful was my first time, but I'm really trying this time because I've gained a lot of weight. Feel free to add! xoxo


  • Hey! Same boat. Started and stopped 3 times now! This time I feel motivated though; at least more than I was the other times. I will add you.

    Good luck! =)
  • Yaaay! I feel motivated too! Looking forward to helping each other out. Thanks for the add! (:
  • Bump!
  • AlainaKayy
    AlainaKayy Posts: 206 Member
    Added you. 20 years old as well here. Hope we can motivate each other!
  • Thank you for the add! (:
  • Bumppp!
  • Hey there! I'm 22 and also have started/stoped MFP a million times... AND the first time was my only successful time because I actually stuck with it. I'm trying to be more active in the forums to keep me motivated. I figured that if I just used MFP as a simply calorie tracking app, I wasn't getting everything possible out of it... I haven't been with this method long, but I'm hoping it helps!
  • The first time was my only successful time as well, but I'm actually really determined this time and I know we can both do it! I hope it helps for you. Thank you for adding me and hopefully we can help each other throughout our journeys! (:
  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    good luck to you...hope you hit that goal!!
  • Thank you! You too!!
  • Elizvbm
    Elizvbm Posts: 21
    Hi, 28yro here
    this s the 1st time i use MFP because I'm going really serious this time, I want a healthy weight and a strong body.

    I'm on my 3rd week of T25 :) and i can say that I'm doing much more better than 1st and 2nd week, can't wait to finish alpha phase. My hubby is working out with me, we have a good diet, i think... during lunch is the only time when I allow myself to eat carbs, and for dinner this week we've been eating veggies soup, maybe also a fruit or a little piece of bread :)

    Good luck
  • Seraphina_Rowan
    Seraphina_Rowan Posts: 179 Member
    Hii~! This is probably my.... 4th time trying this? This time i seriously am motivated to do it!
    Im 19'!
  • Hi, 28yro here
    this s the 1st time i use MFP because I'm going really serious this time, I want a healthy weight and a strong body.

    I'm on my 3rd week of T25 :) and i can say that I'm doing much more better than 1st and 2nd week, can't wait to finish alpha phase. My hubby is working out with me, we have a good diet, i think... during lunch is the only time when I allow myself to eat carbs, and for dinner this week we've been eating veggies soup, maybe also a fruit or a little piece of bread :)

    Good luck

    That's awesome! Keep up the great work!
  • Hii~! This is probably my.... 4th time trying this? This time i seriously am motivated to do it!
    Im 19'!

    Hiii! Nice to meet you! You're going to start seeing results in no time! Just takes motivation! (:
  • APalmieri2012
    APalmieri2012 Posts: 14 Member
    Hey there!

    I am still on my first time here and it's been a little over a year (albeit with a few stops and starts every now and then).

    Stay motivated and you'll see results!
  • Hey there!

    I am still on my first time here and it's been a little over a year (albeit with a few stops and starts every now and then).

    Stay motivated and you'll see results!
    Thank you! You too! (:
  • Hi all, My first time here, think i'm doing well so far. Used to be size 8 but then got made redundant and sat at home for a year while looking for work, ended up puting on 6 STONE!! disgusting :( . Anyway I used to work out everyday to maintain my slim figure and used to be a runner so I'm sure I can do it, just needed the motivation! Started a new job now where im the only girl amongst 18 guys!!
    So far been doing 30 min walks and 40 mins workouts every day and feeling really good :) have weigh in's every Monday morning to discourage me from over-eating at the weekends. First will be on Monday so not looking foward to that.

    Anyway feel free to add would be nice to have some company while struggling :)
  • emmaharris1293
    emmaharris1293 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi guys, Add me! 20 years old! :)
  • Hey, feel free to add me anyone, I'm 18 years old and feel like I'm trying this for the hundredth time! But it's worked twice so here I am preparing for summer :)
  • JustineDianaD
    JustineDianaD Posts: 51 Member
    I'm 27. And I've been on and off MFP a few times as well. But am really trying this time. I'm less than 15 lbs to my goal weight! I want to get there before summer.
    Anyone feel free to add! :wink: