Giving this another go!! Friends/support/motivation needed!

beth0979 Posts: 11 Member
I've been a member for a cpl years now and I actually lost a few lbs before when using MFP. Like so many ppl I slowly got away from it and I am now at my highest weight ever. I hate this and it is time to do something about it. I am going at this full throttle this time b/c it is time for a major change. I live in Clarksville, TN and have been here since August. Looking for friends so that together we can support and help each other. Add me if you want!!!:smile:


  • I am trying again too. I live in vegas. Here is to a good new year friend!
  • It's a great time of year to restart and work toward your goals!! :smile:
  • HealthWoke0ish
    HealthWoke0ish Posts: 2,078 Member
    Good luck with the re-commitment. For me, success came when I carefully picked a plan based on, not what I thought would yield big results quickly, but rather, what I thought I could maintain long-term. In other words, I looked at endurance instead of speed, etc.

    It's a grind...but it's worth it. Good luck to you! :smile: