Feeling defeated because of the holidays?



  • jackielou867
    jackielou867 Posts: 422 Member
    I ate 3500 calories over my maintenance in just 4 days. I gained 2lbs.
    I ate normally the next 3 days and already 1lb gone.
    Don't fret it, you got this.
    You ALL got this
  • bumblebreezy91
    bumblebreezy91 Posts: 520 Member
    I dread the holidays because it's inevitable weight gain for me. I got engaged on Christmas this year, so now I feel even more guilty for gaining and overeating because I will be at my goal weight for my wedding. That day will not be ruined by my weight and fear of pictures.
  • I've gone through a week of holidays in Florida.. and another week of family festivities... These two combined have shown a 9.5lb increase on the scale.
    Am I worried? No. I got back into routine today.. and I remember that most of that increase is because of water.

    And I smile because I know I enjoyed all the delicious food. You'll be okay, I'll be okay... Just get back to it! :drinker:

    I spent the last 2 wks in Florida and same result. Stress of family and no routine. Home now and back on track. I needed this post this morning. We can do this.
  • It is tough around the holidays because you know the family likes to load up on Turkey, stuffing, gravy for Christmas dinner lol. I felt terrible about eating that stuff but I figured what the heck it is only once a year and sometimes you just gotta live. I went back to the gym the day after Christmas feeling bloated and extremely hungover but I was determined to put all that turkey to good use. Did some intense lifting and cardio and I didn't feel so bad after I left. As long as we can get back on track and stay positive that is the most important.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    I'm just exhausted. Maybe I didn't eat enough, or maybe I've done too much driving, or maybe it's because I was on antibiotics in the middle of it all.
  • littleburgy
    littleburgy Posts: 570 Member
    This week I'm starting to feel a little frustrated, too. In my case I only have about 5 lbs left after months of hard work and because of the holidays the scale isn't budging, I'm trying to be diligent just to be able to say I did it. Almost wanted to say "screw it" and cut loose but I know I will regret it afterwards. Sigh. Winter just irritates me in general, it might not bother me as much normally.
  • Mickeyinfinite
    Mickeyinfinite Posts: 22 Member
    I know for me (and yes I too went over my calories on Christmas) the worst thing I can do is put myself down for it.

    We all fall off the "calorie wagon" on holidays, it's part of living. The trick is to not be negative about it, get back on the wagon.

    The key to healthy weight management is to accept there will be "stumbles", but don't let that discourage your journey, we all fall off and then just dust yourself off and get back on.

    Holidays and eating more during them are all part of staying aware of our weight/calories.

    In the past when I regained all my weight (150 pounds) I had gone off my regime for a couple of days (eaten some eclairs) put myself down so badly, and I mean very badly that I lost all hope and started overeating again and regained all the weight and more.

    Had I instead told myself that a couple of pounds (too many eclairs) is not a crime, it's the Holidays. I should have just brushed myself off and continued with my healthy eating.

    Those times in the past when I put all the weight back on (this has happened to me several times), if I had only been kinder to myself for gaining 5 or so pounds I would have stayed on my healthy journey and after a couple of weeks shed those 5 pounds.

    I no longer put myself down. I accept there will be times when I steer off course, but that's not bad, I just re-adjust (mostly my thinking) and continue on my path.

    Good Luck everyone :) Stay positive, and no negative thoughts.
  • sarahwitnh
    sarahwitnh Posts: 16 Member
    Oh I think most of us have gained a few pounds over the holidays. Although I do agree you have probably mostly gained some "water weight". I would just log my calories for the next week then weigh again. You will probably see it come right off! In my experience, when I have gained 5 or more pounds within a week, it's always just water weight because I lose it just as fast. Don't panic, and don't be discouraged! :)

    I agree with this. It is just water weight. Drink lots of water and hit it hard. Re-weigh in next week and you will be doing great. If I were you I would not get discouraged. Instead get mad...get angry and have that feeling push you to work twords what you want. You can do this. Forget the past and move forward.
  • I have been avoiding the scale for the past 2 weeks and finally today I stepped on and I have gained 10 lbs. Ughhh Holidays... But now I just have to refocus on getting back to my goal and not so much on the cookies.. :)

    This thread has truely inspired me!!

    Good Luck Everyone!