Totally stuck !

I really do not know what I am doing wrong ? I have come back here to start again ...but I can't seem to loose a pound ?
I have been trying now for nearly 2 years ...
I go down maybe two pounds then go back up.... I am ashamed to say that I have tried everything ....I've tried totally starving myself and allowing myself a slice or two of toast !! I've tried not going over 1200 cals a day and logging everything and being super healthy ...I've tried eating healthy all week allowing myself half a takeaway for a reward because I am starving ...truly I am good I don't drink and I don't scoff sweets and biscuits ...please advise me because I am determined to hit this on the head this year I feel miserable I only want to loose half a stone why is it so hard ? P.s one thing I have noticed is that if I allow myself a proper treat like half a takeaway the pound I tried to loose all week is straight back on then it takes me a week to loose it again help I am totally stuck ...I have also tried going to the gym for an hour a day 4 times a week!! For a good few months still no change is something wrong with me !


  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    How much do you have left to lose?
    Are you using a food scale to measure what you eat?
  • Ottinger13
    Ottinger13 Posts: 55 Member
    Have you gone to a doctor and had them check your hormones, and blood sugar levels? Start with the doctor to work out a plan and go from there.

    Logging everything you eat from chewing gum to water really does help you to be aware of what is going in your body.

    Good luck
  • fannytoot
    fannytoot Posts: 87 Member
    I am 5ft 2 and 8 stone 9 ...
  • Ilb320
    Ilb320 Posts: 56 Member
    Nothing is wrong but you might just need to look out your training and do something completing different. You body might just be use to what ever your doing. Even if your working out for four hours, if your doing the same thing the weight won't come off. As for your treat, don't totally deprive yourself just add a twist of health to it. If you do two scoops of ice cream, try one with strawberries. Good Luck.
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    Use the food diary and log everything, even condiments.
  • TRobinson43
    TRobinson43 Posts: 7 Member
    How many pounds are a stone equal to??
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    Since you only have a few pounds to lose, that loss is going to be very slow. Try setting your MFP profile to 1/2 pound per week. Absolutely get a food scale if you don't have one already. With so little left to lose, you will want to be accurate with your logging. Log your food! Log every single thing you consume, and reach your MFP calorie goal each day. You *should* see your weight going down, slowly. Give yourself several weeks.
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    How many pounds are a stone equal to??
    1 stone = 14 pounds
  • donnau1998
    All I can do is tell you what I did. I started on May 17 to loose 41 lbs. I made my goal this month. I set my goals to loose 1 lb a week and set my lifestyle as sedentary even though I move around a lot at work in a 6 story building. I also walked 2 miles in 30 minutes 5 days a week. My log told me to consume 1200 calories a day. I rarely ate more than 1000 because I was eating only healthy food that takes a LOT to make up that many calories. No bread, sweets, sodas or anything to drink other than water and plain hot herbal tea. I ate lots of fish, lean beef, vegetables, fruits and special K Protein cereal with skim milk, and greek yogurt. The fruit and yogurt satisfied my need for sweets.

    I did NOT eat the added calories the log gave me for my 2 mile a day walk. I just kept between 1000-1200 a day. I lost an average of 1 to 2 lbs a week with a couple weeks near the end that I lost nothing. I Did go way over my calorie count for a night's meal at a Japanese Steak house but I ordered steamed rice instead of friend and had the shrimp meal. I ate every bite of that meal. So you can occasionally indulge. I think the trick for me was never eating the added exercise calories and not drinking anything that added calories. It was all healthy food calories and I was stuffed most of the time.

    Don't try to eat barely nothing...all that does is throw your body into emergency fat hoarding mode because it doesn't know when to expect food again. You have to eat enough calories to kick in your metabolism.
  • djxil
    djxil Posts: 357
    Here is what is working for me, I am an all or nothing kind of guy.

    Stopped easting Fast Food and Soda (oh the headache)
    Stopped eating candy
    Stopped eating processed food

    I do not miss it much.

    Started logging religiously every day
    Started preparing my own food
    Started exercising

    For me, the real pay off, the stats about my nutrition, actually seeing what is going in and wanting to improve

    Good luck.
  • Byemyfatself
    Byemyfatself Posts: 92 Member
    You are already within a healthy weight range for your height.
  • crafty30
    crafty30 Posts: 132 Member
    I don't have anything constructive to add but just wanted to say I'm in exactly the same boat! I've been gaining and losing the same 2lbs for the last 5 months, its so frustrating! Ive got about 5 more pounds to lose in total but they are just not shifting! My body fat ratio is still fairly high so I know I've still got fat to lose so I'm baffled why it wont shift! I've also tried everything and exercise 6 days a week so unsure what I can really change..Anyway, I hope you find something that works for you soon!
  • Mandr2199
    Mandr2199 Posts: 9 Member
    According to the BMI Indexing Chart you are a normal weight already. You could still gain nearly a stone without being overweight.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    First of all, you need to log your food consistently and accurately - that means every thing you eat gets measured and logged. Just looked at the last few days of your food diary and it's completely blank. Until you do that, there is no way to know if you're eating the way you should. From the sounds of it though, you're very likely undereating and especially for someone like you that's so close to goal weight, that can be just as detrimental as overeating. Again though, until you log your food, there's no way to know if you're under- or over-eating for certain.

    Second, make sure your goals are realistic. Being within 15 pounds of goal (or one stone, if you like), the healthy rate of weight loss is 1/2 a pound per week. If you try to lose faster, it's likely to backfire on you in the end. Also make sure your activity level is set correctly (sedentary, lightly active, etc) so you get the appropriate daily allowance. And plan to meet your daily calorie goal, not go under or over by more than 50 calories.

    Third, if you exercise, eat back earned calories. Some people say not to but you really should. The caveat is that most MFP exercise calories tend to be overestimated (as are most from cardio machines) so instead of eating all of them back, plan to eat back 50-75% of earned calories. Or invest in a good heart rate monitor with a chest strap and go by the calorie burn numbers that gives you.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    You are already within a healthy weight range for your height.

    ^This. OP, it might be time to reconsider what your goal is. Do you really need to lose more weight or do you need to switch to reshaping the way your body looks? Eating closer to maintenance and picking up a good strength training program might help you see what you're hoping for in the mirror.
  • fannytoot
    fannytoot Posts: 87 Member
    An example of how crazy my body behaves ...I ate christmas dinner not a silly amount no starter no pudding had scrambled egg and smoked salmon for breakfast as wella few sweets ...and I put on 3 pounds !! How is that possible :( I actually feel stuck in a never ending circle ! Totally feel miserable
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    An example of how crazy my body behaves ...I ate christmas dinner not a silly amount no starter no pudding had scrambled egg and smoked salmon for breakfast as wella few sweets ...and I put on 3 pounds !! How is that possible :( I actually feel stuck in a never ending circle ! Totally feel miserable

    This is completely normal. It's not crazy and it happens to all of us. Your body was holding onto some extra water weight after Christmas dinner. Our weight naturally fluctuations by several pounds from day to day depending on our activity levels (exercise can cause you to retain water in your muscles for repair), what we eat (sodium, carbs, or just overeating can cause us to retain water for a couple of days), hormones (stress and TOM can both cause a gain), or whether or not you've pooped that day. Make peace with the fluctuations.
  • fannytoot
    fannytoot Posts: 87 Member
    I haven't logged anything in my food diary because I have just come back here today after a very long Gap ...I am also always careful with portion size etc, Also what puzzled me most about gaining weight so quickly was if its water weight why does it take a week to loose ?
  • donnau1998
    This is basically what I did as well.....I just couldn't condense the info as well as you did here :). Stopping sodas, candy and fast food are the crux of the average person's attempts at weight control.

    Congrats on Your progress!
  • klaselle
    klaselle Posts: 4 Member
    I was in the same situation. I finally cut out the white carbs and sugars. I log in 1200 cal a day, exercise 3-4 times a weeks and I finally started loosing again.