How much the first 2 months?

I am 305 lbs, and after telling myself to never cross that 300 mark, and then doing so, I told myself it's REALLY time! We've also been wanting to have a baby and the extra weight is making it that much harder to do that.... it is time! I was wondering how much weight you were able to shave off in the first couple or few months. We got a new ninja blender and a juicer for Christmas and I can't wait to try them out! I plan on doing a smoothie every morning and a juice as a snack in the afternoon and just eating whole/clean foods for lunch and supper...and I plan on working out 3-5 times a week... I just feel like if I can really attack it the first couple months and see results, I will have the momentum and motivation to keep it going!


  • refinedredbird
    refinedredbird Posts: 209 Member
    If you are eating at a deficit, you should lose weight fairly rapidly in the beginning and may slow down after time. The more you have to lose, the more quickly you tend to lose it. Don't be overly concerned though if the weight loss doesn't happen right away, sometimes it take a few weeks for the scale to budge. Good luck!
  • GinaTiani
    GinaTiani Posts: 3 Member
    I'm right there with you! I vowed to never get past 200 and I'm now at 215. I work from home so I sit all day in front of a computer. It's so easy to just grab easy stuff to eat and to go from sitting in my office to sitting on the couch and then to lying in bed. I have finally decided that everytime I try to be perfect and say I'm going to overhauk everything all at once, I'm setting myself up for failure. I've set 3 relatively reasonable goals for January. 1.) get on my elliptical everyday no matter what even if it's only 10 minutes 2.) No more eating after 8pm 3.) I'm going to try to make healthier choices throughout the day and not deprive myself when it comes to meals. So if I can eat fruit and yogurt for breakfast, a big salad for lunch and if I eat 2 or 3 pieces of pizza for dinner.... so be it.

    Good luck to you. It's a tough journey, but well worth it and we have to set reasonable goals. Once I achieve these goals in January, I'll add something else in February (strength training 2 or 3 days of the week instead of the elliptical) etc.

    I hope this helps to motivate you!