why am I always hungry??



  • daben
    daben Posts: 2 Member
    Hi...something you might try is to get more protein with a protein bar. Since your not a large meat eater, you might eat peanut butter and nuts, you have to balance out your meals with enough of each carb, fat and protein. For instance, if you don't get enough carb. your body starts breaking down it's reserve.....proteins and carbs go hand in hand, somewhat. Oh and increasing water and fiber will help too. Good Luck!
  • modernfemme
    modernfemme Posts: 454 Member
    One thing I'm dealing with is mistaking heartburn for hunger pains. Sometimes when my stomach is on empty, I'll feel the burning sensation, which makes me want to eat. If I drink plenty of water this definitely helps feeling hungry.

    Figured I'd offer something different just in case you might have the same problem I do.
  • ivyjbres
    ivyjbres Posts: 612 Member
    Well, the standard answers you've heard already: fiber, water and maybe you stomach hasn't adjusted (shrunk) yet. I'll give you a non standard answer: In some people, for mostly unknown reasons, the brain mistranslates nerve impulses. While you'd have to have a really expensive series of tests done for a diagnoses it is known to happen. Part of the time I think I may be in this group. I can put down any amount of food and 5 minutes later feel hungry again. I finally borrowed an unhealthy mantra from one of my skinny friends: "Hunger is fat leaving the body!"
  • lilscuder
    lilscuder Posts: 88 Member
    Alot of great imput ! Thanks to some advice from MFP Friends~ I find that Hummus fills me. If you have a Trader Joes, they have a delicious Mediterrranean & a Jalepeno Cilantro Hummas that is so delish ! I put it on Whole Wheat Ry Krisp crackers (2) crackers good sized are only 50 calories. I drink water with it. Red Roasted Hummas is tasty on baby carrots. I Also love~ Edamame. It's yummy. I buy it in a frozen bag. The soybeans are already shelled. Just pop in micowave. Cool, and add a touch of Sea Salt ! Make a Great snack. ( well not the whole bag at one time ! ) lol I Hope this is of some help, in getting rid of those nasty, persistent, hunger pains. :D