New here! Is anyone else trying to lose baby weight?

Hi everyone! I'm a new mama trying to lose what's left of the baby weight I gained. Over the course of my pregnancy I gained about 30 lbs and lost 15 right away. However, since then I've only managed to lose about 5 lbs. I feel gross, my clothes don't fit, and it's time to get the rest of the weight off. My initial goal is to lose 10 lbs, but overall I would like to lose 15 lbs. I find it difficult to find time and motivation to get in any serious exercise, so for now I'm making a goal of walking with my dog and baby at least 3 times a week. I'm also aiming to get back into eating healthy at least 80% of the time and re-learning portion sizes (that's a big one).

As it happens, I'm not stranger to weight loss. About 6 years ago I managed to lose roughly 20 lbs and I kept it off until I became pregnant. I'm confident that I can do this again but it seems so much more difficult this time around! I could really use some support. Is anyone in a similar situation?


  • tigletcann
    I'm trying to lose baby weight too! I was 10 stone 7 lbs before my pregnancy, went up to 13 stone 7 lbs, my little boy is 6 weeks 2 days now and I currently weigh 12 stone 8 lbs, and want to lose as much weight as possible before I get married in August! So I have at least 28 lbs to lose!
  • RowanJ13
    Wow, I wish I could say I got back at it that soon, but my little boy is almost 8 months old! Oops!
  • annagill22
    annagill22 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm trying to get those last 10 pounds of baby weight off, too. I'm actually hoping to get another 5-10 pounds beyond that. I only gained 30 pounds with my son, and got about 20 of that off before I got pregnant with my daughter. Now I've been stuck at that 10 pounds over my pre-pregnancy weight for months. I'm finally getting serious and am hoping to be down at least 5 more pounds by my daughter's first birthday at the end of January.
  • icecreamheadaches
    Hi, I still have 26lbs of baby weight to lose. I gained 3st (42lbs) and I was back to my pre-pregnancy weight when my daughter was 10 weeks old (now 15 weeks) but I'm still trying to shift the remainder of the huge gain I had with her sister. 4.5st! I'm 9st 12lbs now and hoping to get back to my pre-baby weight (8st) by August. X
  • MissSharon2013
    MissSharon2013 Posts: 536 Member
    Yeh. Problem is my babies are 30 and 32! LOL!
  • KaseyLaw9
    KaseyLaw9 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi! I am looking for postpartum friends too. I had my baby 4 weeks ago and I am looking for motivation to keep me on track for healthy eating. I used to be a healthy eater before I got pregnant and then all of that went down the drain. Right before I gave birth i was eating ice cream all the time :O

    Now I am focusing on getting back on track.
    Pre-preggo weight: 140
    End of preggo weight: 180+ (not sure because I didn't measure myself)
    CW: 152
    GW: 130-135

    Please feel free to add me!!
  • Jennbrooks87
    I am too! I had two under two and have been either pregnant or breast feeding for the past three years minus three months in between! I've gotten used to eating way more since nursing makes me so hungry all the time! My second daughter is 14 months now though, and I'm 15lb over what I was before the pregnancy. My goal is to lose 20 though so that I can get back to the weight I was before my my first pregnancy. For some reason breast feeding never helped me lose weight. It would be so nice to feel totally comfortable in skinnies again :smile: Please feel free to add me. :smile:
  • PinkCupcakes220
    I just had our last baby on November 2 and I'm trying to lose baby weight as well. I exclusively breastfeed which should help but my eating junk has to change. I need to lose about 50 lbs.
  • kgladney427
    kgladney427 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi I had a baby girl on October 2nd and I have most of my baby weight to go. I was 145 before I got pregnant and when I delivered I was 194. I weight 170 now, but haven't lost a pound in close to 2 months. I am breast feeding, but I am going to back to work in 2 weeks so I think that change and moving around more will help me lose. I don't eat bad, but I tried to cut calories and my milk supply dropped within 2 days. I don't understand people who say breast feeding gets you back to your pre pregnancy weight right away. Does any one know how many extra calories I will need for breastfeeding once I go back to work? It will probably be cut from feeding her 6-7 times a day ( we supplement with formula over night and for her bed time feeding) to feeding her 2-3 times and pumping 1 or 2 times a day. Thanks!