The stuff underneath

Hi looking for people that would like to look at the emotional/early upbringing issues that make losing weight so difficult. I know that for me simply going on a diet won't work. I need to look at and deal with the stuff that makes me feel compelled to eat sometimes. I aim to use self hypnosis and meditation as part of my programme so would love to hear from anyone who is coming at things from a similar angle.
I should point out that although I downlaoded the app and joined in 2012 I have only just started to use site.


  • BOC57
    BOC57 Posts: 44 Member

    Great! I am really taking a much more mindful approach this year myself. I've done this weight loss thing a dozen times, sometimes with fabulous, but always short lived results. I suspect that is because I'm not really addressing the issues that prompt me to eat. I'll be interested to hear how the hypnosis works for you. I'll send you a friend request.