Good Beginner Workout DVDs? (No Beachbody)

I'm looking for something that will get my heart rate up but will not kill me and make me sore for 10 days. I am trying to ease into fitness again.

NO BEACHBODY suggestions please.

I've done some Leslie Sansone DVDs and her workouts are low impact and decent. I'm looking for other options.

Thanks in advance!


  • Gettinghealthysarah
    Love most all of Jillian's, they are not for beginners but can be adapted!!! Some of the best! I love 'no more trouble spots' and 'gym style legs'!
  • Curly1mom
    Curly1mom Posts: 5 Member
    30 day shred is good.
  • AlMonkey
    AlMonkey Posts: 258 Member
    i've ordered some good cardio dvd's from prevention magazine… low impact, mostly walking steps with some basic dance steps thrown in (grape vine type stuff). one I got even came with a book of recipes and a complete meal plan for two weeks.
  • Awesomers
    Awesomers Posts: 144 Member
    I love Fitness Blender because there's a good selection and no set schedule. I can do whatever I want, and often do 2-3 videos at a time. Oh, and it's free. :-)
  • Alex729
    Alex729 Posts: 103 Member
    I love The Biggest Loser and Bob Harper series of dvds; there are many to choose from at all levels. They're pretty cheap at Wally World and Amazon too!
  • fitaholic718
    fitaholic718 Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks for posting
  • BekaBooluvsu
    BekaBooluvsu Posts: 470 Member
    I'm looking for something that will get my heart rate up but will not kill me and make me sore for 10 days. I am trying to ease into fitness again.

    NO BEACHBODY suggestions please.

    I've done some Leslie Sansone DVDs and her workouts are low impact and decent. I'm looking for other options.

    Thanks in advance!

    I have a kindle fire and they have free 10 minute workouts apps for every area of your body. I use them everyday :)
  • rgunn02
    rgunn02 Posts: 169 Member
    I love, love, love The Firm workout dvd's. I used them for years! I've tried other dvd's but keeping going back to The Firm.
  • zombiemomjo
    zombiemomjo Posts: 546 Member
    Tae Bo was good for me when I first started out a few years ago. Billy can't count well, so that was always comic relief during the workouts. :) But it's not high impact, and it really felt like a full body workout. I got one of the DVD's at Wal-Mart for less than $10.
  • DR2501
    DR2501 Posts: 661 Member

    Free workout videos :)

    Out of curiosity, why no Beachbody? (not a coach btw, just had good results from Insanity)
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Options &

    These are websites that give video clips & reviews of DVDs. If you need low impact, or wonder what equipment is required.......look up any prospective DVDs here.

    Good beginner .....I like Kelly Coffey Meyer's Start Here DVD has 2 - 30 minute workouts & lots of premixes to keep it fresh. There is a modifier throughout so you can bring the level down ...or up....depending upon your needs.
  • dcoleman01
    dcoleman01 Posts: 10 Member
    I LOVE the Firm workouts!
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    I love The Biggest Loser and Bob Harper series of dvds; there are many to choose from at all levels. They're pretty cheap at Wally World and Amazon too!

    The Biggest Loser DVD's are what I was going to suggest, too. I think they're, like, $10 at Wal-Mart. I don't like the way they go about things on the show, but their DVD's are actually pretty good, and there are different levels so you can ease yourself in to it.
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member

    They have a range of levels from 1-5 and their workouts are free and FRIGGEN AWESOME
  • Beata375
    Beata375 Posts: 68 Member
    I'm also curious as to why no Beachbody (also NOT a coach, just love Chalean's workouts). I personally also like Jillian Michaels DVD's. A "cheap" suggestion is go to your local library, see what they have available so you can try it out and see if its a good fit :) Good luck!
  • emczech5
    emczech5 Posts: 224 Member
    I've done some Leslie Sansone DVDs and her workouts are low impact and decent. I'm looking for other options.

    Well, I was going to suggest Leslie Sansone, but you've obviously tried that already. But out of curiosity, which of her workouts have you tried. I 've done a bunch of them and I recenlty tried the ones that use the body boost cable and can say they are definiety more intense than many of her other work outs.

    They of couse need the cables, but without theym you could probably bumb up the intensity using ankle and hand weights.
  • JenniTheVeggie
    JenniTheVeggie Posts: 2,474 Member
    I was going to suggest Leslie as well.....
  • SaintGiff
    SaintGiff Posts: 3,679 Member
    I've done P90X and I've done the Biggest Losers series as well as most of Jillian's stuff and Bob Harper's as well. I can suggest a few things that no one else here has mentioned, but are, in their own way, every bit as good or better. It really depends on what you want, what your goals are, and what kind of shape you are in right now. Both, however, will require an open mind.

    If you're starting at zero I would strongly recommend DDP Yoga. It takes a lot of flack because it's not actual capitol "Y" Yoga, and because it is lead by a guy who is a former pro wrestler. Honestly though, if you just came into it blind you'd be impressed. No, it isn't actual yoga. He modifies a lot of the asanas ( positions ) for his market. He is probably a bit too careful and protective of people's backs. And yes, god yes, some of the names he comes up with for asanas are horribly hokey. However, he is incredibly encouraging. He has gone out of his way to tailor these workouts in such a way that you decide how hard you push yourself each day. The workouts themselves do a great job of getting your heart rate up. If you can look past the schtick they are a very very solid weight loss tool for a beginner.

    If you are looking for something a bit more advanced, I will go on record right now as saying that the absolute best DVD series out there is RushFit in terms of the workouts. I did a full 13 weeks of P90X, took three weeks off, and then started RushFit so I did them both in pretty much the same physical condition. There is no comparison in the quality of the workouts. RushFit is superior across the boards in that regard. So much so that P90X 2 actually mirrors a lot of RushFit. The downside of RushFit is presentation. Whereas P90X has Tony Horton, who is an incredible public speaker, RushFit gives you Erik Owings and GSP. Neither of these guys has what you would call a personality. The presentation is often very dry. And you have the thing that RushFit chose to appeal to the MMA crowd by building their presentation around a lot of fighting analogies. If you can look past that you'll find workouts that are shorter and much more efficient than anything on P90X. I remember starting RushFit and thinking that after P90X this would be a joke. Oh, no no no. Just the opposite. However, like DDP Yoga, Owings has structured these workouts with a lot of workarounds so that even if you aren't in good enough shape for them at first you get there quickly. Plus, I was never once sore after a RushFit workout. I was often sore and beat up after P90X. My wife had the same experience. She did P90X with me and started RushFit about a week after I did. She walked away with the exact same assessment. P90X wins presentation hands down, but RushFit provided superior workouts without the need of fancy equipment.
  • losingwt4good
    I suggest Leslie Sansone also if you are just getting started and don't want to dread working out. I moved from that into 30 Day Shred and then some Biggest Loser DVDs after I progressed.