25. Binge eater. Friends?

Hello everyone. I'm a 25 year old girl who is looking for a few friends who will be able to support me in a weight loss journey.

I have been suffering from a binge eating disorder for at least 6-7 months. My weight is sky high for me (185 lbs at 5'4) I obsess over food and always want to eat even after I've just eaten. I'm honestly scared that if I do not make changes then I will eat myself to tons of health problems over the years.

I want to get healthy not only for myself but for my husband & child. I want to eat normally. I want to have some confidence. I want my husband to always find me attractive. I want to not hide from mirrors and cameras. This disorder has me depressed.

Is there anyone out there in the same boat as me? If so, please add me. I would love the support. I am hoping to have tomorrow as my first binge free day in a long time.

**FYI: I will not post real pictures of myself on here. I know some users only want to add those with a real picture. Just letting you all know beforehand :) Thanks for reading. **


  • blahblahfood
    blahblahfood Posts: 14 Member
    I've battled with binge eating for years. I thought I had it beat until I moved and then it's steadily gotten worse to the point where I'm back where I started. It's tough and it's worse when you work around food all the time like I do. I definitely could use a friend that understands the difficulty in trying to lose weight and get over binge eating. Good luck!
  • CorlissaEats
    CorlissaEats Posts: 493 Member
    I once had a girl on my FL with an eating disorder. She had surrounded herself with anorexic people in the same desperate place as herself. They were neither kind, healthy, or helpful when they commented on her updates. If anything I think they made her struggle harder. Sure they understood but they supported her bad choices more than her attempts to overcome. I would suggest not finding like minded eaters if you have an eating disorder. Look for people who have overcome or have the healthy habits you want. People who also struggle with binging might have the compassion you desire, but they are also likely to give you permission when you really need a kick in the pants.

    FYI- I lack compassion and patience for people who know what they need to do and don't actually do it. I am probably not a great friend for someone in your position.
  • hicksang121
    hicksang121 Posts: 19 Member
    My advice is to talk with your doctor about it and see if s/he can help with a plan or recommend someone who can help you with a plan. Feels like you need to get to the root of why you're binge eating. Best of luck!
  • thekyleo
    thekyleo Posts: 632 Member
    I suffer from the opposite actually, I have body dysmorphia and feel that i'm eating too much. I am seeing someone for it, so I would suggest you should try too and not try to rely on like minded people here
  • SamZ10
    SamZ10 Posts: 49 Member
    I agree with the above comments!
    I have suffered with binge eating for years and have still been working on getting it under control.
    Good luck on your journey!
  • a778c466
    a778c466 Posts: 141 Member
    I am not a binge eater but if you would like a friend you can add me. I am on everyday.
  • I once had a girl on my FL with an eating disorder. She had surrounded herself with anorexic people in the same desperate place as herself. They were neither kind, healthy, or helpful when they commented on her updates. If anything I think they made her struggle harder. Sure they understood but they supported her bad choices more than her attempts to overcome. I would suggest not finding like minded eaters if you have an eating disorder. Look for people who have overcome or have the healthy habits you want. People who also struggle with binging might have the compassion you desire, but they are also likely to give you permission when you really need a kick in the pants.

    FYI- I lack compassion and patience for people who know what they need to do and don't actually do it. I am probably not a great friend for someone in your position.

    I think it can be helpful to support people in similar situations. I've got BED, and would never surround myself with anorexic friends with the intention of getting sickly thin.

    I do agree with some of the helpful advice you've nestled in there. Hopefully she sees it!

    Anyway, OP, feel free to add me! I'm in a very similar situation. :)
  • Feel free to add me if you want a supportive friend :-)