Is My Chili Unhealthy?



  • Sreneesa
    Sreneesa Posts: 1,170 Member
    Make it the way you like it. Nothing about what you listed was UNHEALTHY in the slightest. People offering their opinion on what you could do different are overlooking your question which was whether it was unhealthy for you to make it the way you did --the answer is no. Enjoy your chili!
    actually no, the OP mentioned the sodium content, so those who offered opinions on what could be done differently in terms of the spice packet weren't overlooking the question.

    and yes, if the OP has issues with sodium (the fact that she is 18 has nothing to do with the possibility that she could have issues with sodium due to hypertension or kidney issues which can happen at any age), the chili could be made "healthier"

    True. But as long as she stays within her sodium requirement she will be okay.

    I went over but it wasn't just due to chili. It was due to hot sauce amount, garlic vinegar, etc.

    So I do agree. But also agree you can do it if staying below sodium levels and if you do not have health problems which limit sodium intake.
  • KatieHugsBugs
    KatieHugsBugs Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks guys :) No i do not have any problems with salt, just trying to avoid the bloating afterwards. And also i do NOT put meat in it because im a veggie :) (as i like to call myself) But i decided it was a healthy meal overall except for the salt but i plan on having a big glass of water and later tonight some tea, so im sure it wont effect me!
  • JenniTheVeggie
    JenniTheVeggie Posts: 2,474 Member
    Yes. Why? I don't know, but I feel like yes is the right answer. Meat, tomatoes, and beans must be unhealthy on some level.

    Wait. No meat? Well I think we've found the problem.

    I didn't even see that there was no meat.
    I assumed...



    I agree with skipping the packaged chili seasoning. I use chili powder....much more cost effective!
  • SailorKnightWing
    SailorKnightWing Posts: 875 Member
    Yes. Why? I don't know, but I feel like yes is the right answer. Meat, tomatoes, and beans must be unhealthy on some level.

    Wait. No meat? Well I think we've found the problem.

    I didn't even see that there was no meat.
    I assumed...


    Can you put lamb in chili? I mean of course you can...but how would it taste? ...I need to try this.

    Enjoy your spicy bean and veggie stew OP. Its not unhealthy.
    Sounds kind of delicious, actually. Lamb has an earthy taste I think would go great with the cumin and other spices.
  • CarolinkaCjj
    CarolinkaCjj Posts: 622 Member
    So now I want lamb AND chili Your chili looks good to me.
    This is a quick and easy recipe from Better Homes and Garden - I think I will make it next week and sub chicken sausage for pork (it will give me a chance to test out the new scale and entering my own recipe in MFP). It is very tasty and very easy and fast.
    Winter Squash and Sage Sausage Chili
    • 1 pound bulk sage sausage or your favorite sausage
    • 1 15 ounce can cannellini beans, drained
    • 1 12 ounce package frozen winter squash puree, thawed
    • 1 cup chunky-style chipotle salsa or other salsa
    • 1 1/2 cups water
    • 1 3 1/2 ounce package herb-flavored goat cheese, crumbled
    • Fresh Sage (optional)

    1. In large saucepan cook sausage over medium heat until brown and no pink remains, stirring to break up; drain fat. Stir in beans, squash, salsa, and water. Bring to boiling; reduce heat. Simmer, uncovered, 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Serve in bowls; sprinkle goat cheese and fresh sage. Makes 4 servings.
    Nutrition Facts (Winter Squash and Sage Sausage Chili)
    • Servings Per Recipe 4,
    • cal. (kcal) 385,
    • Fat, total (g) 14,
    • chol. (mg) 119,
    • sat. fat (g) 7,
    • carb. (g) 34,
    • Monosaturated fat (g) 2,
    • fiber (g) 7,
    • sugar (g) 5,
    • pro. (g) 39,
  • 11aliciamorgan
    11aliciamorgan Posts: 16 Member
    Not a clue but here is a healthy recipe I just found and made today! Very good :)
  • hludwig980
    hludwig980 Posts: 102 Member
  • janupshaw
    janupshaw Posts: 205 Member
    The last time I made chili, I bought the low sodium chili seasoning packet, along with low sodium tomato sauce. I couldn't tell one bit. Thanks, everyone, for all the input about how to season it without a packet, I'll do that next time.