New Here, looking for support


This is my first time trying this program. I am a 23 (soon to be 24) former athlete. I was an elite ice hockey player, I also played soccer, lax, and was into outdoorsy stuff like rock climbing and hiking. I have been out of sports for around four years now. This is mostly due to a whole lot of complicated life events that would probably take too long to explain, but basically life got rough for a while and I needed to spend my energies on other things. Over the years, I have also gained a significant amount of weight (basically going from someone who was thin to fat).

The reason I am here is because I am in a space in my life when I have the time, emotional space and funding to be able to start working on getting into athletic shape again. I am going to be working with a trainer as well as going independently to the gym (my starting goal for the is 4-5x a week for 60 minutes). I also want to adopt a diet that will be better suited to me building muscle and endurance. I have always been a crappy cook and short on time, so my diet consists of crappy microwavable food and I would like to change that.

I'm aware that if I start down this path, I'll probably lose weight however, I am not making weight loss my primary goal. For me, focusing on numbers usually gets me into black/white, pass/fail thinking which makes it super easy for me to go the blame/shame route which only harms me in the long run. I'm also in recovery from an ED, so focusing on body size is something that is a slippery slope for me. As far as I am concerned, as long as I can skate and jump and run, I don't give a flying hoot about what sized pants I wear.

Anyways, I am looking for any guidance or support on how to reach my goals. Also, I know my approach is probably different than a lot of folks on there and I just ask that it be respected. Different strokes for different folks right?

Thanks in advance!


  • krista2131
    krista2131 Posts: 33 Member
    Everyone has their own way on working out and eating, not one person is the same. I am just getting back into the swing of things with working out and eating healthy, but I understand the not a good cook because I know many people like this. Feel free to add me and good luck with your goals.
  • mama2redhead
    mama2redhead Posts: 132 Member
    Good luck to you! It sounds like your focus on increasing activity and improving the quality of the foods you eat is ideal!

    I understand about the non productive black and white thinking as (at a much younger age) I too had an eating disorder. That type of thinking never really leaves you, but it can be overcome with effort. I find focusing on staying active improves my outlook on life in general. Some of my greatest accomplishments during my weight loss have been fitness related, not weight loss related. For example: getting into yoga poses, improved strength and actually seeing my muscles get more defined.
  • Thanks to both of you!

    @Krista Thanks for the add invite, I will totally do that!

    @mama2redhead I'm glad to hear focusing on activity was helpful! I totally get that sense of accomplishment with getting stronger, I am hoping by focusing on that, I can avoid getting discouraged or sliding into unhealthy behaviors.