Diet fads annoyance

I tried to get my co-workers to join in/support each other in weight loss. I thought everyone could just do their own thing to lose weight and get healthier. Another co-worker, who wouldn't join in with us, convinced a few to join herbalife for a contest. Now they are pressuring me to join, but it goes against everything I believe in as far as weight loss. I am so frustrated because I know that the best way is a healthy lifestyle change not a fad diet. I lost 70 lbs a couple years ago changing my life with healthy eating and exercise, now I am having to re-lose most of it because of gaining too much during pregnancy. Any suggestions on how to handle this going forward?


  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    Let them all join the Herbalife pyramid scheme and blow all their money on supplements while you lose the weight in an easy, cost effect way. If they pressure you to join Herbalife, politely decline and say you're going to do it a different way, no need for conflict.
  • red_road
    red_road Posts: 761 Member
    I think that majority of people have, at one time or another tried something stupid to try and lose weight. While it might be frustrating, try to remember your own weight loss journey. Desperation to lose weight can make people do stupid things,perhaps their experience with herbalife will later help convince them to try healthier/cheaper ways to lose weight.Hindsight is 20/20
  • Just tell them best of luck. But this worked for you before and you're sticking with tried and true. Then make sure to eat something yummy in front of them while they drink their meal shakes...:)
  • Skarlet13
    Skarlet13 Posts: 146 Member
    You know I think so many of us have been on fad diets in the past only to regain the weight that any mention of them triggers annoyance. LOL. Just politely decline and relish in the fact that you know you're doing it the right way.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    I lost 70 lbs a couple years I am having to re-lose most of it...Any suggestions on how to handle this going forward?

    Yes - take care of your own house first.

    Assuming you were working with that crew during all this, they saw you lose weight and immediately put it back on, so they are not going to be looking at you as an authoritative voice on how to succeed. Do your thing, let them do theirs, whatever it is.
  • Thanks for the suggestions! Making something good and eating front of them sounds awesome, haha

    No I didn't work with them before so they didn't see me thinner or losing weight.