My 2014 Goals / Plan - First 6 months - Then maintenance!

Here we are! Another year is around the corner. Like most people, I'm setting new goals for 2014. It's going to be the year in enter maintenance after years and years of yo-yoing! I barely can believe it.

Here's my doable realistic plan (goals and rewards): I'm 154.5lbs as of today.

Weight: 150lbs (4.5lbs loss) meaning I'm halfway to goal
Fitness: Do a full split, both ways
Reward: Get rid of current pair of jeans and fit into the next one that's been sitting in my closet for a while now.

Weight: 147lbs (3lbs loss). It's the lowest weight I can remember being at.
Fitness: Focus on abs to finally see them! Improve core strength and balance
Reward: It's sales time in France, so Ultimate Goal Clothes!

Weight: 142lbs. Healthy BMI.
Fitness: HIIT training once a week and get to 45 minutes of real exercise 4 times a week instead of 3
Reward: A full day spa treatment

Weight: 138lbs. Last ten pounds!
Fitness: A 100 squats in a row, 4 days a week
Reward: A hot bikini

Weight: 133lbs! Last 5 vanity pounds!
Fitness: lifting at least half my bodyweight while doing barbell glute bridges
Reward: Pole Dance lessons

Weight: 128lbs. Ultimate Goal Weight!!!!!
Fitness: 1 hour of exercise a day, 4 days a week
Reward: Louboutin stilettos and HAPPINESS!

Enter maintenance mode. Overall goals for that are:
- Weighing myself once a week instead of every day
- Ultimately get rid of the scale and relying only on the way my clothes fit me
- Count calories only every two days and maintening, maybe only twice a week, to balance if needed.
- Continue to improve fitness and strength achievments.

After maintaining for a while, bulk and cut!

What's your plan for 2014?


  • celtbell3
    celtbell3 Posts: 738 Member
    You have great goals - so SMART!! Love them and I know you'll do great in achieving them!!!
  • azerty1981
    Love this! It's well planned and seems realistic. You'll succeed for sure.