tired of not seeing results

its been months of working my butt off and granted im loosing SOME weight..but its not much..i eat right, work out, tried calorie confusion, tried lots of stuff and everyone tells me because i dont have a ton of weight to loose..its harder to get it off. but it seems like the 2 times i quit for like a week..and just ate normally and didnt count calories and didnt work out..thats when i lost a pound or two...how does that happen?

even this site says within my goals i should be able to loose a pound a week..i'm lucky if i loose 1 in 3 weeks. i'm 132 now, pre baby weight is 120 and i would like to get down to 115 again. i was hoping within a few months i could be 120 but it seems no matter what i do its just really hard to loose the weight.
and ps- i do my measurements too- not just the scale and that hasent changed either.


  • gecho
    gecho Posts: 426 Member
    :smile: bump
  • dustbunnie
    Are you nursing? How many months PP are you?
  • FemininGuns
    FemininGuns Posts: 605 Member
    The weight you're losing when you're not eating nutritious foods and not exercising is most likely muscle mass. You don't want that! I feel for you not seeing results. I can tell you that for 6 weeks, the scale hadn't budged for me. And this week I finally lost a pound! So, you need to stick with it.

    You are right, because you are smaller it's harder to get those last few pounds off. BUT, you are losing FAT and not just weight. Have you measured yourself?? I know measuring was one thing that kept me going as it was the only way I could really see results. Also, do a side by side comparison pic. This is my inspiration as I had never really seen the difference before doing this. I was so surprised in the change - I made a small poster of it and it's hanging on my fridge.

    The results might be slow, but if this is your new lifestyle, you will want to stick with it.
  • denisec26
    denisec26 Posts: 199 Member
    no im not nusing..my daughter will be 9 months nov 17th

    and yah i do measure myself and nothings changed but its not like its been a few weeks or trying to loose weight..its been MONTHS of eating right and working out..and the only time i shed pounds is like u said, if im unable to work out or count calories for a few days here and there..im loosing muscle, but thats about it
  • dustbunnie
    Our kids are just a few weeks a part lol. My DS turned 8 months last Tuesday.
    I loose about 5 pounds a month. It takes for ever and it feels like a loosing battle. I've lost 65 pounds since March.
    Just keep at it. Easier said then done. Trust me I know there are weeks where I give in lol. I've had to find what works best for me and I had to modify my calorie intake(I BF so I need more then the measly 1200 or I'd starve myself crazy). You may want to bump up your calories 200 and add 10-20 min to your work outs.
  • js775219
    Hey, I can't find the link now but there is this strange phenomenon with "muscle gain"; you said you work out a lot and you're not losing, well that could be your muscles taking on water to repair themselves and how you said you take a day or two off and THEN you see a loss? There's science behind that and somebody on MFP explained it in a detailed post; here are two things that may help:

    1. Take a rest from exercising; I am working out hard core and it wasn't until I took a week off a few weeks ago that I got a 4 lb loss
    2. You may need to UP your calories: hear me out. Are you re-fueling your re-fueling your body enough with enough food when you work out? When you work out, you need to eat more

    Those are two things have been helping me (albeit just a little) HTH!
  • denisec26
    denisec26 Posts: 199 Member
    thanks for the advice. ill def try it