Got rid of the Halloween candy...

gambitsgurl Posts: 632 Member
edited September 22 in Chit-Chat
Been covert tonte. My son's teacher sent home a ziplock of candy as a "prize" today (OBVIOUSLY trying to get rid of Halloween candy). So my daughter and I waited till dark and snuck over to her house (yes I know where she lives) and left a bucket with about 8 pounds of candy in it with a note that said "what you give, you receive 10 fold". Then we ran.


  • 2bFitNTrim
    2bFitNTrim Posts: 1,209 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • caitlinclock
    caitlinclock Posts: 528 Member
    Hahahahahaha that is hilarious! Well your son's class might get a lot more surprises coming...
  • katoka97
    katoka97 Posts: 62 Member
    hahaha :) good job!
  • Paula_Addem
    Paula_Addem Posts: 80 Member
    Haha! Such a good idea! Too bad I ate all my leftovers or I would have thought of something creative like that. Could have used the excersise running instead of having to get on the elliptical to make up for it! lol
  • gambitsgurl
    gambitsgurl Posts: 632 Member
    Hahahahahaha that is hilarious! Well your son's class might get a lot more surprises coming...

    crap. didn't think of that.

    Planning further missions....
  • Excellent!
  • gambitsgurl
    gambitsgurl Posts: 632 Member
    Haha! Such a good idea! Too bad I ate all my leftovers or I would have thought of something creative like that. Could have used the excersise running instead of having to get on the elliptical to make up for it! lol

    We haven't been in this house for halloween before so we bought WAY too much. Then school and everyone else sent a ton home. THEN what they got that night. I HAD to do something.
  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    I had threw out the candy in the trash 3 days after Halloween. My daughter didn't get much good candy anyways LOL
  • Very funny. I fed mine to the kids at Church. Actually I sent it home with them after the evening was over, did not want to deal with all the little sugar monsters. I am sure their parents loved me for it.
  • :laugh: That is hysterical.
  • Paula_Addem
    Paula_Addem Posts: 80 Member
    Haha! Such a good idea! Too bad I ate all my leftovers or I would have thought of something creative like that. Could have used the excersise running instead of having to get on the elliptical to make up for it! lol

    We haven't been in this house for halloween before so we bought WAY too much. Then school and everyone else sent a ton home. THEN what they got that night. I HAD to do something.

    You did the perfect thing!
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